Editorial (May 1956)

Vol 2:5 (May 1956)


James Gunn

Those who are regular readers of Food for the Flock will recall the helpful articles by brother David Craig, Ireland, which appeared in earlier numbers. We are happy to publish another of his lessons on “Memorials,” The Memorial Food. May the Blessed Antitype satisfy and strengthen the hearts of His beloved people.

From the pen of Robert McClurkin we have a very important study in Bible doctrine. In the minds of God’s people there exists, at times, considerable confusion regarding the doctrinal elements of the gospel. It is felt that this exposition will shed light upon a difficult subject.

This month we welcome two new contributors to our pages. Brother Hull has written especially for young Christians on the important work of Christian publicity by means of spiritual literature. Every Christian, young and old, should read and practise his suggestions.

Brother Tetstall, a business man, who frequently ministers among the assemblies throughout his part of England, instructs the mind and cheers the heart in his article, The Morning and The Night.

We hope that both of these brethren will favour us again with other such themes.

There has been considerable space devoted, not only in Food for the Flock but in other Christian magazines, to the subject of elders in the churches of God. This upsurge of interest must have a primary cause, for the evident importance attached to the subject is but an effect. Naturally, we ask, why the concern? Surely, letters received are not merely the outcome of curiosity; much rather do they impress one as being deeply sincere. Apparently, there is a seriousness which has been accentuated by some factor. Could this be one of two possibilities? First, a general and deeply felt lack of men divinely fitted for, and spiritually led in this ministry. In second place, a deficiency of real spiritual qualifications and abilities among those who presume to act as elders and leaders among the assembles. Whether it be the one or the other, or even some other cause, our hearts should be humbled before God, and in our exercise, we must wait upon the Lord for the proper answer to the anxiety of devout hearts.

The letter printed in The Forum may be the expression of many hearts. It is hoped that others will present the teaching of God’s Holy Word upon these subjects.