Book traversal links for Editorial (Jan 1955)
Food For the Flock
Vol 1:1 (January 1955)
A Monthly Publication For The Sustenance Of The Flock Of God
A monthly publication designed to promote the careful study of the Scriptures, to edify and instruct the Church, to comfort and encourage the people of God, and above all, to bring glory to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Herewith you are being introduced to the first issue of “FOOD for the FLOCK”. This new publication has been conceived through years of prayerful exercise and deep concern and is now brought into being through the combined efforts of the group of brethren whose names appear above on this page.
Of late years there has been increasing evidence of a definite decline in personal Bible study and devotion to the Lord. During the Second World War the saints were living unsettled lives, with added work and worry, and so much rush and bustle, that they found few opportunities for the careful reading of the Scriptures or the preparation of the heart through prayer and communion with God. Since the close of the war, most Christians have lost the art of “redeeming the time” and find it hard to settle down to spiritual living. True, the World has added attractions, and has perhaps taken a larger place in the hearts of the believers. Yet, with all who are truly born of God, there is an underlying love for the Man of Calvary. Keeping these things in mind, “FOOD for the FLOCK” is being printed with the hope of reviving the soul and feeding the inner man, so that the saints may be drawn closer to the Lord and given a renewed appetite for the reading and study of His Word.
It is planned to maintain the sections of the magazine as they are presented in this issue. First is “Devotional,” with words to warm the heart, through exalting Christ. Then comes the “Doctrinal” section, where articles will appear from month to month covering fundamental truths that are the very foundations of the Faith. The first of these, in this issue, deals with the Inspiration of the Scriptures”, and we feel this subject is most timely in view of the assaults of the Enemy in these days. The pages devoted to “Bible Study” are calculated to give the would-be student of the Word of God helpful instruction on how to plan and prepare his personal study of the Book of books.
The “Expository” section follows, with an unfolding of the Truth as revealed through meditation of the passage under consideration. Finally, the “Bible Forum” page gives our readers an opportunity to write in with their views of the subjects being discussed in that section, with letters, or excerpts being printed at the discretion of the editors.
And so, Dear Fellow Believer, we submit this first issue of “FOOD for the FLOCK” for your careful, prayerful reading. May it prove to be a blessing to you, and may God be glorified through this and subsequent issues.