Book traversal links for Editorial (May 1955)
Vol 1:5 (May 1955)
One of the basic purposes behind the publishing of FOOD for the FLOCK is to provide help and instruction for young Christians so that they may be encouraged to study the Scriptures and become established in the Faith. With such an aim The Forum this month is discussing the Oneness of the Human Race, a topic which will be of timely interest to most High School and College students. Incidentally, letters are invited, giving added thoughts or alternative views on the propositions introduced in The Forum.
The Illustration of the Month is a regular feature which has brought favorable comment from readers, and we hope you will look for this enjoyable morsel in each issue.
The back cover, as you will have observed, is reserved for poetry and we try to select pieces that have not previously appeared in any other publication. The hymn, Be Not Dismayed, is by John Rankin, who has labored for some years as a missionary in Jamaica.
Before introducing new writers in the May issue, however, we would apologize for omitting mention of Donald Norbie, whose article, In Our Hearts, was printed last month. Bro. Norbie lives in Oklahoma City where he devotes his whole time to the Lord’s service.
In this present number we are happy to have a message from Donald Taylor, of Chicago, who is Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of “Letters of Interest.” It is a pleasure thus to work in co-operation with other Christian publications in the work of the Lord and in the spreading of the truth of God. Definitely would we avoid any semblance of a competitive or contentious spirit.
John Bramhall is another writer who is appearing for the first time in FOOD for the FLOCK. Living in Charlotte, North Carolina, he is well known to many saints in the United States for his ministry of the Word. His excellent article on the doctrine of the second coming of Christ is worthy of your careful consideration.
Our English brother, C. H. Darch. brings us another heart-warming paper, entitled, The Forgiveness of Sins. The unbelievers’ version of the Twenty-Third Psalm, as here given, is quite impressive.
Our Devotional Editor, T. G. Wilkie, touches a tender cord of the heart in his reminder that God is Faithful. What assurance is given, amid a world of change and unrest, by the knowledge that Jehovah is unchanging and unfailing. This hope, indeed, is an anchor for the soul in the raging storms and adverse tides that threaten the believer.
As the fifth number of FOOD for the FLOCK is sent to press, it is with the earnest prayer that God will bless its pages to the edification and comfort of His beloved people.