Book traversal links for Editorial (Feb 1955)
Vol 1:2 (February 1955)
Even before any January copies of Food for the Flock were placed in the mails, a number of encouraging letters came to us from those who had received an announcement of the advent of this new monthly publication for the people of God. These assured us that our periodical would have their prayerful support. One correspondent mentioned that a group of brethren had been considering the need of such a magazine, with edifying ministry suitable for those who are not instructed in the truth of God.
This February issue was prepared for press before our readers had received the first number of Food for the Flock, and therefore before their comments reached us. The editorial staff assuredly is not above accepting constructive criticism but none of the brethren are writing to obtain the praises of men. Rather, the goal is that the articles may be read carefully, their messages absorbed, and the heart and life of every reader so reached that true Godliness in fuller measure may result. In short, the exercise of those responsible is that we all may be, as James 1:22 expresses it, “Doers of the word, and not hearers only.”
To provide a variety of ministry a number of brethren from various walks of life have been encouraged to write for Food for the Flock. For example, you will have noticed and enjoyed the article in the January issue which was written by David Craig. Mr. Craig is of Scottish birth but has preached extensively in Northern Ireland and recently has visited Canada and the United States. We hope to have further articles from his pen in later months.
In February we have brought you an article entitled, The Glory of His Countenance, which you will read with pleasure and profit. The writer, Mr. F. J. Squire, was formerly a research chemist with Lever Brothers, but is now retired and living in North Weymouth, Mass.
You will also find a message from the pen of John Martin, dealing with the Genealogy of Christ. Mr. Martin conducts a Young Believer’s Bible Class in Pittsburgh, Penna., and we are happy to have him on our Advisory Committee.
As you read the articles on these pages, may you enjoy with us these good green pastures, in order that the appetite for the Word of God be whetted, and that there be a deeper determination to have a life wholly devoted to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.