Book traversal links for Editorial (June 1955)
Vol 1:6 (June 1955)
The interest in the efforts of Food for the Flock manifested by responsible Christians not only has been gratifying, but has been most encouraging. We do appreciate their kind words of cheer and counsel.
At the last meeting of the Committee it was decided, because of suggestions by others, to develop an earlier exercise and to open a new section entitled “Lambs of The Flock.” This title indicates the purpose of this department. We would solicit the constant prayers of God’s beloved people for our brother Ernest B. Sprunt who has undertaken this ministry, and for our brother Aubrey Delandrea who is to assist him, that they may be used in the feeding and leading of the lambs of Christ’s pasture.
The more matured among the flock are asked to encourage younger Christians to follow this particular monthly feature, as well as to study the entire contents of each issue. Bible Class leaders among young believers definitely should induce their scholars to subscribe for Food for The Flock.
At a recent conference in a large city, it was discovered that one of the modern religious cults had entered the community in which the conference was being held, and had freely distributed its heretical literature. On their leaflets such bold anti-Christian statements as the following appeared: “The Trinity a Myth,” “Jesus is not Jehovah,” “Jesus is not co-equal with God.” In our own day the apostolic prediction surely is being realized, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own hearts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables,” (2 Tim. 4:3-4). It is therefore with much spiritual pleasure, and with profound thanksgiving to God, that we insert, in this issue, the excellent article by our esteemed brother Ernest Wilson, Angola, Africa, entitled, “The Mystery of Christ.” This helpful exposition of the nature and personality of Christ deserves the closest perusal.
Words of sweet comfort as well as of instruction will be found in the doctrinal section by David Leathern, “Behold The Man.” Read this article carefully and learn what the sinless humanity of our blessed Lord means to you.
Another heart warming devotional paper by David Craig, Ireland, will be found full of inspiration. “The Memorial Feast” is actually a supplement to his former contribution, “The Memorial Name.” We hope to have others in this series from our beloved brother.
It has been thought proper to share with the readers of The Forum, the investigations into the purport of certain Scriptures as conducted at the Belmar, New Jersey, Bible Study Conference, March, 1955. The subject intensively studied was The Seven Letters to The Seven Churches of Asia, (Rev. 2-3). During the first session the subject was considered from the view point of its historical setting; during the second, from the angle of its prophetical application; and, during the third, from the appropriateness of its practical principles.
Some of the questions raised during the discussion periods of this conference will be given in The Forum along with a summarization of the answers submitted by various brethren.
If you have enjoyed this number, please take an interest in your fellow-believer, and introduce to him Food for The Flock.