Editorial (April 1955)

Vol. 1:4 (April 1955)


James Gunn

Most of our readers, in all likelihood, scan the index or take a quick glance at the headings on the inside pages before settling down to the careful perusal of the whole magazine.

If such be the case, it will hardly be necessary to point out that the current issues of “Food for The Flock” emphasizes certain cardinal facts of our Christian Faith, and follows the themes of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. A few comments, however, relative to some of the writers who are featured this month may add to the enjoyment of the reading of their helpful ministry.

The first article, “The Death of Christ,” is by C. H. Darch of West Monkton, Taunton, England, who is well-known to readers of the British Christian periodical, Precious Seed. It is with pleasure we introduce him to our readers, and give to them as his first paper in our publication an article on so precious and fundamental a topic.

In the Expository Section, brother McClurkin’s series of lessons on First Corinthians is interrupted in order to bring a timely and important message concerning the Cross, entitled “He Gave Himself.” While this is primarily an exposition of this statement as it occurs in the New Testament, it also reveals the signifance of the sacrifice of Christ in its relation to the believer.

The attention of our readers is also drawn to the devotional article “The Burial of Christ,” by Gordon N. Reager, one of the valued members of our Advisory Committee. Mr. Reager and his partner, Paul Plubell, have proclaimed the Gospel and ministered the Word of God in many parts of the United States and Canada. At present they are visiting Northern Ireland and we pray that the Lord will use our brethren to the spiritual blessing of all who may hear their preaching in that country.

“The Empty Tomb,” by David Leathern, presents the triumphant truth of the resurrection of the Man of Calvary. “If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain, ye are yet in your sins.” (1 Cor. 15:17).

We trust that each article in the April issue will prove to be profitable in the instructing and edifying of every reader. If you enjoy “Food for the Flock” kindly tell others and encourage them to order the magazine.

Our list of subscribers continues to grow month by month, and words of appreciation are being received constantly. Many have commented favourably on the fact that all the pages are being devoted to written ministry, without any space being given to advertising or news reports.

The Editors already have some choice ministry on hand for subsequent issues including notes, papers, and articles, from brethren in Canada, The United States, Great Britain, and the foreign field, but you will learn more of this in the May number. It is ever the hope of the Editor, to discreetly insert sound spiritual ministry in every variety from as many gifted channels as the Lord may exercise to prepare such food for the flock.

There is another item which should be mentioned before this editorial is concluded. Kindly look at the address on your mailing envelope and advise us promptly if there is any error or omission. This will assure the safe and speedy delivery of your copy month by month. Should there be any change in your address immediate advice of this would also be appreciated.