Editorial (Sept 1955)

Vol 1:9 (September 1955)


James Gunn

During July the attention of an anxious world was focussed on Geneva, Switzerland, and the momentous meeting of the leaders of the Big Four. Out of the conference came no positive assurance of world peace, only the hope of future amicable talks by the foreign secretaries of these nations.

If the eyes of our mind become too firmly fixed on the chaotic political picture, the result is bound to be mental unrest or even dark dismay. Thank God, the believer can, by faith, look up and see the Supreme Sovereign as Lord over all. The aim of FOOD for the FLOCK is to present to our readers that type of ministry which will elevate the thinking toward heavenly things, thus to bring to the true child of God stability and confidence in the Unchanging One and His Word.

It is also our endeavour to provide balance and variety through printing messages from many acceptable sources. In this way we have been able each month to feature some new writers who have not previously contributed to our pages.

The students of Harbord Collegiate, in Toronto, know John Robertson as their teacher of languages. Many Christian workers are acquainted with him through his association with the quarterly, Sunday School Teachers’ Lesson Manual, published by Gospel Folio Press. The executive members of FOOD for the FLOCK esteem our brother highly as secretary and one who gives valuable assistance in correcting and revising manuscripts before they are sent to the printer. With pleasure he is now introduced to our readers through his warm, devotional message, Three Cries from the Cross.

The same section contains an article on Service, written by Neil Dougal, a born-again business man, now residing in Worchester, Mass. During the war years he served in the British Navy, being stationed most of the time in the Mediterranean and the vicinity of the Holy Land.

In August, Harold Kesler favoured us with an article entitled, “Eternal Things.” As a follow-up, he gives us this month a complementary message, “Eternal Salvation.” This you will find in the Doctrinal Section.

The Lambs of the Flock will find green pasture, tender and good, through reading “Four Features of a Believer.” Regular subscribers will recall the writer, John Bramhall, from his message in the May issue.