Book traversal links for Editorial (Aug 1955)
Vol 1:8 (August 1955)
With pleasure we this month introduce three contributors who are new writers in FOOD for the FLOCK. The first of these is Harold Kesler, of Riverside, California, who gives us the devotional message, “Things Eternal.” At six years of age, Harold attended Sunday School a few times but showed no further interest in spiritual things for many years. When his sister was converted, she began to bombard him with tracts (to use his own words) and through one of these printed messengers Mrs. Kesler was saved. She, in turn, saw her husband brought to Christ through her reading the Bible in his hearing. That was in 1930 and about twelve years later Bro. Kesler was led by the Lord to devote his full time to the Master’s service.
Mr. E. W. Rogers, of London, England, has written extensively for The Believers’ Magazine and other Christian periodicals and has prepared several books on doctrinal subjects. Our esteemed and gifted brother is in Canada and the United States this summer, ministering the Word to appreciative audiences. Our readers will be helped greatly by his timely article in this issue, “The Believer and the Future,” dealing with the Church and the Tribulation. We might add that the story on page 19 was told by Mr. Rogers at the Christian Convention in Galt, Ontario, last June.
James Gunn continues his series on Bible Study, under the title, “Interpretation.” We urge careful notice of these helpful pointers which will be of great assistance in the correct understanding of the Scriptures. Friends will be pleased to know that our beloved editor has come through his throat operation, though he has found very trying the treatments which followed. We are all praying that God will graciously give our brother a complete recovery, if it be His will, so that he may again be able to enrich us with his oral and written ministry.
Those who are young in Christ will find profitable instruction through reading, “Under New Management,” from the pen of Aubrey Dellandrea, of our editorial staff. This brother has been much used of the Lord in bringing sinners to the Saviour and therefore has a large place in his heart for the lambs of the flock.
An article about the Church at Antioch, by John T. Dickson, appeared last month and the second part of this interesting study is now printed in the Expository Section.
Before concluding this editorial, there is another matter to mention. Do you know that two dollars will pay for sixteen issues of “FOOD for the FLOCK” for a friend? Why not send us a few subscriptions to run from September through all of 1956?