Editorial (Nov 1957)

Vol 3:11 (Nov 1957)


James Gunn

Plans are already being made for Food for the Flock during 1958. In the will of the Lord, there will be new features in the ministry and a change in the printing in order to extend the value of the magazine and improve its legibility.

Watch for these developments.

In compliance with the general trend of costs, it is necessary to increase the price to $2.00 annually or three years for $5.00. In renewing your subscription please take notice of this.

Never before have we been favoured with so many excellent manuscripts of such deep spirituality and of such high standards. We are confident that by these God will meet your need and delight your heart for all this ministry is Christ-centered.

We welcome a new contributor this month from among the members of the Advisory Committee, Cecil Batstone. This brother gives us a very profitable study of Paul entitled “I Am ….” This paper cannot be read sincerely without feeling the rebuke of carnality and selfishness, and at the same time without the consciousness of a greater desire begotten in the heart to follow Paul even as he followed Christ.

The article, “A Priest upon His Throne,” by A. Tetstall, England, is sound doctrine full of hope and glory. In this day of international confusion and competition, a state that produces so much fear and suspicion, it stabilizes our thinking and corrects our attitude toward current events in the Church and in the World to know that God directs all things after the counsel of His own will, and that ultimately Christ in righteousness will adjust the maladjustments of mankind.

The exposition of Paul’s Epistle to Titus which John Bramhall has prepared for “The Lambs of the Flock” embraces, as readily will be seen, advice for both young and old. Happy those who comply with these words of instruction.

Dr. Arthur Stinton, a medical missionary at Boma Mission Hospital, Angola, Africa, who also is a new contributor to our magazine, gives us a Biblical and sober approach to the problems of health and disease. Each should know the will of the Lord in these matters lest, unfortunately, he be carried away by the unscriptural and extravagant claims of so called faith healers.

The letter in “The Forum” reveals the results of false doctrine, the inexperienced are perplexed and the more matured in the things of God shocked. Consequently, if the feet of the saints are to be directed aright, there must be a greater emphasis upon doctrinal and expository ministry. Vain speculation as well as pleasing platitudes must be avoided, and all who preach should do so according to the standard of the great Apostle Paul, “We preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake” (2 Cor. 4:5).