Old Testament -- Genesis - Deuteronomy

Old Testament







Song of Solomon


























I Samuel




II Samuel




I Kings




II Kings




I Chronicles




II Chronicles





























The Book of Beginnings.

The seed plot of the Bible. Every doctrine afterward unfolded found in germ in this Book. Tells of Generation, Degeneration, and Regeneration. Note: Creation is distinguished from making. Creation is threefold. God created—matter v. i, life (soul) v. 20, 21, man (spirit) v. 27. No way to pass from one to the other.

    1:1 The original creation—which was perfect but fell into chaos.

    1:11 After his kind—in both vegetable and animal worlds. No room for so-called evolution.

    1:26 Image is representation. Likeness is character.

    1:27 Man not evolved from lower forms, but a special creation.

    2:10 The river of Eden. Compare with the river of Rev.

    22. When God rests a river flows!

    3:1 Questioning the Word of God.

    3:3 Adding to the Word of God.

    3:4 Denying the Word of God.

    3:6 Disobeying the Word of God. Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.

    3:9 The first question of the Old Testament. See Matt. 2:2.

    4:3-4 The only two religions.

    4:20-22 Note how the arts and sciences and commercial life all began in Cain’s family.

    5:2 Note—The mother of the race is given three names: Adam—Headship of the man recognized. She is seen in him. Isha—Woman. Her place in nature. Eve— Living. The name given her by faith after the fall, and the promise of life.

    5:21 (Methuselah) When he dies it shall be sent, i.e., the flood. Note that he lived up to the date of the flood.

    6:11 As it was in the days of Noah—Corruption and violence are again to fill the earth in the time of the end, immediately before the manifestation of the Son of Man.

    8:20 Dispensation of Government begins.

    9:6 Capital punishment divinely instituted.

    9:21-22 He was set in authority as the first ruler in the earth: failed to rule himself.

    10:8-10 The Great Apostate. A hunter of the souls of men—Founder of idolatry at Babylon.

    10:22 Job was of this tribe (Uz).

    11:4 Beginning of Babylon. The first “skyscraper.”

    11:31—12:1 Note from Stephen’s speech in Acts 7, that the call to Abram to go out had preceded this family emigration.

    12:7 The covenant of the land has never been rescinded.

    See ch. 13:14. 12:10 The testing of faith: Abraham’s failure.

    12:11 A sinful compact—A wrong start. See ch. 20:13.

    14:4 Thirteen—the number of rebellion or disorder. 14:13-16 The separated man is the one to aid his entangled brother. First time the term Hebrew is used in Scripture.

    15:6 Believed (Amen-ed) this is the first use of Amen in the Bible. Justification by faith—Rom. 4.

    16:1 The expedient of the flesh.

    17:4 The Covenant fully stated.

    17:8 Possession of the land included in the Covenant. Ch. 24:7.

    20:2 The unjudged sin of earlier days, repeated. 0:6 What mercy!

    20:9 What a rebuke to a man of faith from a Philistine!

    20:12 A half truth is a whole lie.

    21:1 The promise fulfilled as He had said.

    21:21 The flesh united to the world.

    22:1 Tempt and test—or try, are all the same word.

    22:6-8 The Father and the Son went both of them together to the place where Christ offered up Himself!

    22:12 God spared that father’s heart the pang He would not spare His own.

    23:2 The death of the Mother—dispensationally the setting aside of Israel after the Cross.

    24 The call of the Bride—dispensationally the Church called out. The unnamed servant typical of the Holy Spirit who speaks not from or of himself, seeking a bride in a far country for the son.

    24:11-15 The bride found at the well—the water of the Word.

    24:15 While they are yet speaking, I will hear.

    24:22 The earnest of what should be hers later as the bride of the son.

    24:58 The bride’s decision—“purpose of heart.”

    25:1 Dispensationally the restoration of the earthly people—A nation born in a day.

    25:5 The exalted son.

    26:7 The father’s failure reproduced in the son.

    26:18 Going back to first principles.

    27:1 His spiritual condition reflected in the physical!

    27:12 More concerned about what he would seem to be than what he actually was!

    27:20 What hypocrisy!

    27:27-29 This is not the blessing of Abraham. See ch. 28:3-4.

    28:3-4 The blessing of Abraham confirmed to Jacob apart from deceit or human scheming.

    28:13-14 The covenant of the land confirmed to Jacob.

    28:20 Bargaining with God. No apprehension of the grace of the Lord.

    30:37-43 Fleshly scheming. Needless scheming. God’s plans working out just the same.

    31:29 Thou could’st have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from heaven.

    31:40 True shepherd service.

    32:20 Appease him—literally, “Cover his face.” In such manner do sinful men—conscious of their guilt—seek to cover the face of God—so He will not see their sins.

    32:24-26 The unseen wrestler—breaking down the strength of nature. When Jacob can no longer struggle, he clings to the One who has brought his strength to naught.

    33:13-14 The true shepherd heart. See ch. 31:40.

    35:2-3 A new beginning.

    35:11 The Abrahamic covenant renewed to Jacob.

    37:3 The father’s beloved.

    37:5-10 Hated for his witness to the evil deeds of his brethren after the flesh—to be exalted as head and lord in due time.

    37:14 From Hebron (“Communion”) to seek his wayward brethren.

    37:20-28 Rejected and sold. Delivered up to death in figure.

    39:7 The temptation of Joseph.

    39:13-15 Joseph falsely accused.

    40 The only two religions. The dream of salvation. The dream of judgment.

    41:45 Zaphnath-paaneah—in Heb. “Saviour of the world.”

    41:55 Go unto Joseph. None other name.

    42:11 They were not spies, but neither were they “true” men. See ch. 44:16.

    42:21 Exercise of conscience at last.

    42:28 “Conscience doth make cowards of us all.”

    42:36 [last clause] Jacob’s fortunes were never brighter than at this very time!

    43:9 Note the change that has been wrought in Judah—the very one who once sold Joseph.

    43:18 Afraid, when grace was about to be shown them.

    44:12 The cup in Benjamin’s sack! The best of them under condemnation.

    44:16 No longer do they say “We are true men.”

    45:3-4 The revelation of the rejected one as the deliverer.

    47:9 A long life for self; a short life for God.

    48:1 The first mention of sickness in the Bible.

    48:14 The second man put first by a cross.

    49:3 The firstborn after the flesh set to one side. Joseph given his place.

    50:15-18 How little they trusted him—because they did not know the love of his heart!

    50:25 The bones of Joseph. Ex. 13:19.

    50:26 [last clause] All that this world can give at the last—and a fitting introduction to the Book of Exodus which begins with Egypt as the land of bondage and of death with judgment hanging over all. Note that Israel carried up the bones of Joseph with them when they went out to go to Canaan.


The book of Redemption—Typically sets forth God’s way of delivering His people from judgment, from the power of sin and from this present evil world—See 1 Cor. 5:7, 8; Rom. 6, et al; Gal. 1:4.

    Bondage and wretchedness preceding redemption. Divisions: History, chapters 1—24; Tabernacle, chapters 25—40; with parenthesis, chapters 32—34. Redemption by blood, chapters 1—12; Redemption by power, chapters 13—18.
    Ruin—chapters 1—11.
    Redemption—chapters 12—19.
    Responsibility—chapters 20—24.
    Relationship—chapters 25—40.
    Pharaoh both God and King: typical of Satan: the renegade king that knows not Jesus as Pharaoh knew not Joseph.—2 Cor. 11:14. Pharaoh, the Sun—but unable to dispel the darkness. Called in Ezek. 29:3 the great dragon.

    1 Egypt: typical of this present evil world—a land of death, bondage, affliction, darkness, and judgment. The land of Ham—swarthy, sunburnt, darkened by the light.

    2 Moses: the deliverer. Type of the Coming One: Deut. 18:18, prophet, deliverer, shepherd, mediator, lawgiver, king, meekest of men—”I am meek.”

    2:5 It was Providence that put Moses into the court of Pharaoh. It was faith that, later, took him out of it.

    2:9 The Lord’s word to each Christian parent. 1 Thess. 2:7.

    2:11 Moses first attempts to deliver his people in a fleshly way.

    2:12 God’s way of delivering Israel was not by killing Egyptians one by one. He would make a clean break in His own way. So now He does not save by delivering from one sin after another, but by a complete settlement at once.

    2:15 God allowed Moses to have all the world could give, but it was in order that he might give it up for His sake. Heb. 11:24-28.

    2:19 He looked like an Egyptian—reminding us of Him who came in the likeness of sinful flesh.

    3:7 Sorrows seen, heard, known.



        I AM

        By Myself

        In Myself

        Through Myself

        For Myself


    Only God could so speak. 20 times in John’s Gospel, Jesus says I AM.

    4:2 The rod never used for personal reasons. Christ would not use His authority merely for Himself.

    4:4 The Lord in rising from the dead took back the rod: He annulled Satan’s power.

    4:7 The leprous hand—the clean one pledged Himself to do what was in His heart—to be made sin. The hand cleansed speaks of resurrection. See Ps. 74:11; John 17:4.

    4:9 The third sign—water made blood—a sign specially for unbelievers—all judgment—no grace here. It is not now that they may believe but if they will not believe. Compare with Heb. 6:7, 8.

    4:10-14 The backwardness of the flesh may be as great an hindrance as the forwardness of the flesh. Compare the call of Moses with the call of Jeremiah. Both were lowly men—both distrusted themselves— both made excuses—both had to learn that power belongeth unto God.

    6:6-8 God’s seven / will’s

    12 Redemption by blood, typical of salvation from the guilt and judgment of sin.

    12:2 A new beginning. All the past blotted out.

    12:3 A lamb.

    12:4 The lamb. (Have you asked your neighbor?)

    12:5 Your lamb. Note that the characteristic word here is take.

    12:15 Leaven always typical of evil.

    13:21 The pillar of fire and cloud typical of the Holy Spirit—ch. 14:19. The fiery pillar leads ordinarily— but here follows for protection. 14:26-28 “Sin shall not have dominion over you—not under law, but grace.” Redemption by power. Romans 6—8.

    16:15 The manna—typical of Christ in His humiliation.
    Came from heaven.
    White: pure.
    Sweet: precious.
    On the dew: In the Spirit’s power.
    Lowly—on the ground.
    It must be gathered, or trampled on. See John 6.

    17:8 Amalek: type of the lusts of the flesh.

    17:11-12 Prevailing intercession on high—type of our great Intercessor in Heaven whose hands are never heavy!

    19:4 Two wings of the great eagle. Rev. 12:14.

    20 “Some things are commanded because they are right, and other things are right because they are commanded.”

    20:22 The priestly privilege to draw near. See Heb. 10. Priests before the Levitical priesthood was established. See ch. 24:5.

    23:10-11 The sabbatic year. It was the neglect of this that was one of the reasons for the Babylonian Captivity.

    24:3 [last clause] The confidence of the flesh.

    25 The materials for the tabernacle.
    Gold—divine righteousness to glory.
    Brass—judgment: endurance.
    Scarlet—suffering—earthly splendor.
    Fine linen—righteousness.
    Goats’ hair—sinbearing—prophetic office.
    Rams’ skins—consecration.
    Badger skins—separation.
    Shittim wood—humanity.
    Oil for the light—the Holy Spirit.
    Spices—fragrance of Christ.
    Sweet incense—intercession.
    Precious stones—divine excellences as seen in the people of God.

    25:10 The Ark—Christ the meeting place between God and man—the throne of God.

    26:3 Two fives—the measure of responsibility to God and man.

    26:7 The tent of goats’ hair. “Made in the likeness of sinful flesh.”

    28:12 All the people of God upon His shoulders shall bear memorial. See w. 21, 38 also.

    28:34 Testimony and fruit.

    29:20-21 The whole man redeemed and consecrated by blood—then anointed with oil: the Holy Spirit.

    30:12-13 Redeemed by silver—Contrast 1 Pet. 1:18.

    Note that when David numbered the people he omitted this—and plague followed.

    32:2-4 They readily gave to the service of their false gods what they never thought of giving to Jehovah!

    32:26-28 Three thousand slain: God’s first dealing under law. Contrast with Pentecost!

    33:15 He would far rather have God without Canaan than Canaan without God.

    35:30 Bezaleel—A great-grandson of Caleb, son of Hez-ron. See 1 Chron. 2:19, 20.

    37:6 What a glorious and righteous propitiatory!

    38:31 The pins were not prominent but were most essential—so every member is necessary.

    40:12 The washing of regeneration.


The Priest’s Guide Book. The Book of the sanctuary—”access to God.” In the New Testament there are some forty distinct references to the ordinances of Leviticus as typical.

    1 The burnt offering. Christ offering Himself without spot unto God to glorify Him and on our behalf. See Ps. 40:7, 8; Eph. 5:1, 2.

    2 The food offering—The perfection of Christ as Man. Christ moves through all the Gospels as the perfect meal offering.

    2:4-13 Christ’s introduction into this world as the place of trial and testing.

    2:13 Salt: the preservative power of righteousness.

    3:1 In Luke’s Gospel Christ is seen as the Peace Offering.

    3:16 [last clause] Superabundant energy all for God.

    4 The different grades of the sin offering would seem to indicate various degrees of apprehension of the person and work of Christ according to the intelligence, responsibility, and privilege of the worshiper. In Mark’s Gospel Christ is the great Sin Offering.

    5:5 Definiteness in confession.

    5:11-13 Differences between the sin and trespass offerings : In the sin offering a person appears who deserves judgment. In the trespass offering sins are enumerated —but the person committing them is not particularly in view. (In Matthew’s Gospel Christ is the Trespass Offering.)

    7:31 The breast—the love of Christ.

    7:32 The shoulder—the strength of Christ.

    10:14 The enjoyment of the love and strength of Christ can only be in a clean place.

    11:3 Walk and word must be in agreement.

    11:13-20 All carrion-feeders were unclean, and all birds or other creatures of the night. “Ye are children of the light.”

    11:30 What a lot of ferrets there are! And they generally think everyone unclean but themselves.

    12:8 The offering of the mother of Jesus.

    13:2 Skin of his flesh. Leprosy in the body—the lusts of the flesh are their fearful result.

    13:13 [last phrase] Leprosy of the head—See vv. 43, 44.

    The lusts of the mind just as evil in the sight of God as the lusts of the flesh.

    13:47-48 Leprosy in the garments: that is evil in the ways or behavior. Garments speak of habits.

    13:52 Destroy—or judge the evil habit.

    14:1-7 Not until Christ came do we read of this law being carried out for a testimony unto them.

    14:9 Hair, the strength of nature—all to be done away by the sharp razor of the Word of God.

    14:25-28 It is Christ’s work that saves—not my understanding of it. The weakest believer is as truly redeemed by His blood and anointed by His Spirit as is the strongest saint.

    16:14 Once is enough for God. Seven times to give man a perfect standing before the throne.

    21:18 He that hath a flat nose—lacking discernment.

    22:3 Holiness required in worshipers.

    23:17 Firstfruits. James 1:18.

    24—27 The claims of God—practical holiness.

    25:9-10 The jubilee to sound on the day of atonement. Liberty based on sacrifice.

    25:23 The land of Palestine belongs to God.

    27:16 According to the seed—i.e., the amount of land that could be seeded with an homer of grain.


The Levites’ Guide Book. The Book of experience—of testing—and therefore of failure on man’s part. The Wilderness Book.

    2:2, 3 God’s well-ordered camp. The Tabernacle “in the midst.”—Type of Christ: “The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us.”—Jesus in the midst.

    3:9 Ministry waiting on priesthood. Service waiting on worship.

    3:48-51 Redeemed with silver—Contrast 1 Peter 1:18.

    7 Each aspect of the work of the Cross represented in the offering of each prince.

    8:11-12 The Levites “a living sacrifice”—Romans 12:1.

    Wholly devoted to the service of God and to the house of the Lord.

    8:19 Ministry to wait upon worship.

    8:21 See Rom. 12:2.

    9:18 Guidance—Ps. 25:15; Isa. 11:3.

    10:2 Two trumpets—the two Testaments.

    10:31 With the cloud to lead!

    10:33 No need of Hobab’s keenness and knowledge of the wilderness.

    11:7 Manna: typical of Christ in humiliation.

    13:26 The firstfruits of the Spirit—Rom. 8.

    14:22 Ten temptations:

        1. Ex. 5:20-23
        2. Ex. 14:11-12
        3. Ex. 15:23-25
        4. Ex. 16:1-3
        5. Ex. 17:1-5
        6. Ex. 32:1-8
        7. Num. 11:1-3
        8. Num. 11:4-io
        9. Num. 12:1-8; Deut. 1:22
        10. Num. 13, 14

    14:40 The energy of the flesh.

    14:44 Presumption is not faith.

    15:2 God’s promise fulfilled despite all the faithlessness on their part.

    15:5) 7 The drink offering—“He poured out His soul unto death.”

    15:38 The ribbon of blue. See Deut. 22:12. The heavenly color. A people linked with the God of Heaven. In type: the heavenly calling.

    16:1 Note the psalms “for the sons of Korah.” This man’s descendants were part of the choir of the sanctuary in after days.

    16:13 Rejection of the divinely appointed prince.

    17:5-7 Dry rods in which was no life—typical of men in their natural estate.

    17:8 The Dead One that came to life—the resurrection priesthood.

    19:6 Cedar—man at his best. Hyssop—man at his worst. Scarlet—the glory of the world. All gone for faith in the death of Christ. Gal. 6:14.

    19:9 Ashes—It is finished.

    19:21 It is defiling to have to do with evil—even in seeking to deliver another. See Jude 23.

    20:14 Edom—typical of the flesh. No short cut through Edom to the land of rest.

    21:8-9 The brazen serpent and the springing Well. Connect with John ch. 3-4. A serpent—Christ made sin. But no poison in it—harmless—yet “like” the serpents that bit the people.

    24:24 A prophecy that links with Daniel’s great prophecies of the Times of the Gentiles.

    29 Does the descending scale of offerings imply that piety will decline in the millennium?

    31:49, 50 A voluntary offering as an expression of the gratitude of their hearts.


The Book of Review.—The Second Law.

    1:19 Kadesh-barnea—the place of opportunity.

    1:22 The sending of the spies originated in the will and unbelief of the people.

    2:14 Thirty-eight years of wandering in the wilderness because of unbelief.

    4:9 “Forgetful Green” in Pilgrim’s Progress—See v. 23.

    6:23 Brought out to be brought in.

    10:3-4 The handwriting of ordinances—Col. 2:14.

    14:12-19 All birds of the night were unclean—”Ye are not of the night nor of the darkness.” All birds of prey unclean.

    17:15-17 Note that Solomon gave no heed to these commands, but did all that is here forbidden.

    18:10 Spiritism forbidden.

    18:15 Fulfilled in Christ the True Prophet.

    20:8 Note how this was carried out in the case of Gideon’s army—Judges 7:3.

    20:12 Preaching peace by Jesus Christ. If peace is refused—then judgment.

    21:3 Jerusalem, the guilty city, where “also our Lord was crucified.”

    21:16 Firstborn not necessarily the one born first. See Ps. 89:27. A title of dignity.

    21:18 The Old Testament prodigal—Contrast with Luke 15.

    23:9 Holiness essential to victory.

    24:1-2 Contrast the command of the Lord in Matt. 19— See also 1 Cor. 7, et al.

    24:4 Yet such is the grace of God toward Israel, His divorced wife, that He will take her again when she repents of her sin. See the Book of Hosea, and Jer.

    27:5 See Elijah at Carmel.

    28:23-24 Brass and iron both typical of judgment and endurance. See v. 48.

    28:49 [last clause], 50 Prophetic description of the Romans and the destruction of Jerusalem and its results.

    28:51-56 See all this confirmed in the desolation of Palestine following the siege under Titus, etc. 28:68 [last clause] The slave markets of the world glutted with Jewish slaves.

    31:3 [last clause] Joshua—type of Christ Risen who leads the people into their inheritance. 31:29 Compare Paul’s last address to the elders of Ephesus.

    32:8 Israel—the center of all God’s thoughts for the earth.

    33:2, 3 The Appearing of Jehovah on Sinai—similar to the Appearing of Christ with all His saints. God’s people in His heart, in His hand, at His feet. See v. 12.

    33:24 “He who dips his foot in oil leaves a mark behind” —the walk in the Spirit.

    [Throughout Deuteronomy Dr. Ironside has underscored the word remember, and written it again and again in the margin. It is striking how often this word occurs.]