Picture Names of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians

Gifts are divided into three categories

1. Foundation gifts

2. Ministry gifts

3. Sign gifts

1. Foundation gifts

Apostles – Prophets

2. Ministry gifts

Word of wisdom – Word of knowledge – Faith

Helpers – Exhortation – Giving & ruling

Showing mercy – discerning of spirits

Men given to the church by the ascended Savior

Evangelists – Pastors – Teachers

3. Sign gifts

Healings – Miracles – Tongues – Interpretations of tongues

It is not the amount we have of the Spirit, but the amount He has of me.

Maravian Motto

“For Service or Sacrifice”

The Altar of Consecration

“Daddy has got all me.”

“One yielded life and God”

The fullness of the Spirit combines “Ardour” with “Order”

Romans 6

Let not sin reign in your mortal bodies

Sin shall not have dominion over you.

As you leave the whole burden of your sin and rest upon the finished work of Christ, so leave the whole burden of your life and service, and rest of on the present inworking of the Holy Spirit.

Picture Names of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians

1. The Soul And Earnest – Eph 1:13

Sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise

The first name revealed in Eph “The Seal”

He Himself is the Seal.

2. The Earnest – of our inheritance

The guarantee

3. The Guide and Builder – Eph 2:1-7

The Spirit guided them to Christ and quickened them

Access by one Spirit – Ch. 2:18

For as many as are led by the Spirit, they are the Sons of God – Rom 8:14

4. The Builder – Builded together by the Spirit – Ch 2:21-22

5. The Revealer – Ch. 3:8-5

6. The Strengthened – Ch 3:16-19

7. The Uniter – Ch. 4:3

The unity of the Spirit

Grieve not the Holy Spirit – Ch 4:30

Quench not the Holy Spirit – 1 Thess 5:19

Water poured on a fire so that it cannot blaze for God

8. The Lover

9. The Gardener

The fruit of the Spirit – Ch. 5:9-11

10. The Filler – Ch. 5:18

11. The Warrior – Ch 6:17

12. The Intercessor – Ch. 6:18

Those who had been filled with the Spirit in Ch. 2 had to be refilled in Ch. 4

One baptism many fillings.

Eph 5:18 Be ye filled with the Spirit

How can we be filled with the Spirit?

1. By obeying God’s Word

2. By maintaining fellowship with our exalted Lord.

Our Lord indicated a three fold personal relationship of the Sprint to the believers.

1. With

2. In

3. Upon

With—John 14:17—He dwelleth with you. When He convicts of sin. John 16:4

In—John 16:17—He shall be in you.

    a. The abiding presence of the Spirit in the believer

    b. To produce a Christ like character, the fruit of the Spirit. Col 5:16, 17

    c. To help our infirmities. Roman 8:26

    d. To inspire prayer. Eph 6:18

    e. To give access to the Father. Eph 2:18

    f. To assure us of our Sonship. Col 4:6

    g. To comfort us. Acts 9:32

    h. To guide us into all truth, revealing Christ to us. John 16:13, 14

Upon—Acts 1:8 Ye shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you.

Describe Pentecost.

Acts 2:3, 4 The Day of Pentecost being fully come.

As they were all with one account in one place.

The Spirit descended upon them in cloven tongues, like as of fine.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.

Note 1 –

They were with one accord in one place “Unity”.

They were “all” filled = Corporate Power

Cloven tongues, sat on each of them = Individual Power the result of unity in the Church.

This is possible today

The Means:

Do not allow any sin in the heart or life that would grieve the Holy Spirit.

So not quench Him by disobedience

Submit to His sway, without reserve, in walk and service.

Allow nothing of self, flesh or the world to handle His power.

When your lives are emptied of all that is foreign to Him, then the Spirit will come in fullness upon us.

The results of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

1. Progressive Sanctification

2. Teaching

3. Guidance

4. Assurance

5. Worship

6. Prayer

7. Service

Determined by the normal functioning of each.

It is not our responsibility to create a Christian unity.

The Vicar of Christ has already done this. He had baptized all between into that wondrous ORGANISM, the Church, we must recognize it.

See Eph 4:2-3 – With all lowliness and meekness with long suffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit.

The dynamic power of any assembly is circumscribed, within the area of an ungrieved Spirit, and the exercise of Spiritual Gifts.

Zech 4:6 Not by power, not by might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord.

In The Believer

The tragedy by an unrecognized, indwelling omnipotent Holy Spirit.

Illustrate – Gentleman who traveled with the Belgium king.

Our Lords last words before the ascension intimated an authority of power.

Luke 26:49; Acts 1:8

This took place at Pentecost Act 2

The men were enveloped and energized by a new power.

They who had fled like timid sheep, now stood with lion like courage.

The fear of man had gone, they proclaimed boldly the messiahship and Lordship, of Christ to His recent murderers.

Floggings, imprisonment, scorn, hate and finally martyrdom, they endured boldly. “Witnesses”

In the Spirit’s power they broadcast the message with such zeal and fervent that Christian Assemblies sprang up throughout the Roman Empire. So strong did they become that the great persecutions were designed to exterminate Christianity.

By faith and by the Spirit’s power they multiplied and grow.

These men were not Superman neither were they immune from the discouragement and despondency that afflict us today.

Sometimes, they failed.

Illustrations & Quotes

The Motto of the Moravians. For “Service or Sacrifice” The altar of Consecration

“One yielded life and God”. Mary Slessor, David Livingstone

“I conquer only where I yield.”

“Make me a captive Lord.”

“And then I shall be free”, etc.

A Spirit-filled believer will exalt Christ and Christ alone. John 3:30 “He must increase, I must decrease.”

When God touched Jacob – he was never the same again. The result of spending a whole night with God.

The Laodicean age. v. 16 Luke warmness; v. 17 Insensibility

Cast out by Christendom of large.

He now appeals to the true believers.

v.20 Behold I stand at the door and knock, etc.

Jacob – The result of a night alone with God.

Isaiah – In the year that King Uzziah died

All – The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit – John 3:7

Some – The Infilling of the Holy Spirit – John 4:14

Few – The Overflowing – John 7:38-39

The fullness of the Spirit combines “Ardour” and “Order”

Lesson 4 Challenge – Will a man rob God?

Bring all the tithes. Prove me

Sealed by the Spirit – Earnest – Eph 1:13

Grieve not by the Spirit – Eph 4:30

Quench not by the Spirit – 1 Thess 5:13

The Consecration of the Believer – Romans 12:1

“The Spirit’s Work and Power in and for the Believer”

Personal Evangelism

Discussion – Slides – Address