He Is Omnipresent

In the previous chapter we have discussed the “personality of the Spirit.”

In this present chapter we will seek to show that He is divine.

Can we prove the deity of the Holy Spirit?

Is He indeed God?

Describe the scene on the banks of Jordan.

Matt 3:16-17 The revelation of the Trinity.

He is revealed as part of the Godhead.

See Acts 5:3-4

Peters said first of all that Annanias had lied to the Holy Spirit. v.3

In v. 4 he said, “You have not lied to man, but to God.”

His attributes ascribe Him proof of Deity.

Heb 9:16 through the eternal Spirit.

He is possessed of eternity, therefore He is uncreated. Eternity is an attribute of God alone.

He is omnipotent. Psalm 139:7-14

Whither shall I flee from your Spirit? or whither shall I flee form your presence? If I ascend up into heaven you are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold you are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost part of the sea; even there shall your hand lead me, and your mighty hand shall hold me.

In the N.T. a similar thought is implied.

John 14:16, 17 “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter that He may abide with you for ever.” He is with believers over all the word simultaneously.

He is also omniscient, that is to say that his knowledge embraces infinity.

“The Spirit searches all things – the whole reach of existence.

“Yea, the deep things of God” Only Deity can fathom. Deity

If the Spirit knows all that God knows then He is possessed of omniscience. Man is baffled at the judgment of God, they are unsearchable, but to the Spirit they are open and plain.

He is able to guide into all truth – because He knows all truth.

The future is known to Him, for the Lord said, “He shall declare unto you the things that are to come.”

1 Corinth 2:10, 11

The Spirit has knowledge shared by no other, same the Father Himself.

“For what man knows the things of a man; save the spirit of the man which is in him. Even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.”

His works prove Him to be God.

Matt 12:28 The Lord said, “I cast out devils by the Spirit of God.”

Who but God can impart eternal life?

This is peculiarly the work of the Holy Spirit. See John 3:5 and Titus 3:5

Notice also His coordinate work with the Father and the Son.

He is associated with them in perfect equality at Christ’s baptism – at Pentecost – in the apostolic communion and in the baptismal formula.

In Heb 9:16 – The Trinity is seen to be working in perfect unison for the accomplishment of man’s redemption. “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit affords Himself without spot to God.”