Anthony Norris Groves from Plymouth

John Grippest Bellett Dublin.

The year 1827. Read Acts 3:41-47

Edward Cronim originally an R. C.

Became a true believer, and took the Lord’s Supper with various Noncomformists or Independents.

On settling in Dublin he was informed that he must become a definite member of one of them or he would not be allowed to break bread with any of them.

Cronin referred to comply and was publicly denounced fro one of their pulpits.

Cronim met one of the Bible Society’s workers. Then began meeting with him to remember the Lord in one of his rooms.

Others were added and they moved to Cronim’s home.

As their members increased they moved to another large home.

Unknown to this group another two believers had been meeting together in another part of the city. They too had been disturbed by some of the unscriptural practices in the established churches.

So they decided to “break bread” in one of their homes. Some time later one of these men was walking in the country and he saw a man apparently in deep meditation sitting under a tree.

Describe the conversation.

The result of this God ordered meeting was that these two groups were brought together in Christian love and unity.

Some houses became too small

A large auction room belonging to one of the brethren was taken, and the meetings’ were held there for some time.

Joy and blessing resulted from this union.

Anthony Norris Groves left for Plymouth-England.

To his surprise he found others in the city like minded. As the news spread throughout the British Isles, many other companies were soon gathering in the same way for the same reasons.

This movement of the Spirit caught fire and the British Isles. Northern Ireland was saturated. In later years it was discovered that simultaneously in many parts of the world the same things were happening.

Today these are some 300,000 in fellowships in U.S.A. and Canada. “Plymouth Brethren”

Missionary effort … no wages – salary.

India was opened up by Groves – died at 58.

George Mueller of the Bristol homes.

J. N. Darby – Archbishop of Canterbury. New Translation.

Robert Chapman. God is at the door.

Basic differences

1. No ministers – Elders – Priesthood of believers · Spiritual gifts.

2. Conversion through faith in Christ

3. Believer baptism

4. The innerancy of the Scriptures

5. Breaking Bread each week

6. Rapture of the Church … Resurrection of believer

7. The coming of the head to the earth

8. Resurrection of unbelievers

9. The Great White Throne

10. Eternal punishment

Pastors to feed the flock

Sentinels to protect the flock

Pillars to support the flock

Rulers to guide the flock

Examples to encourage the flock

Longfellow wrote:

    Oh, bring us back one more

    The vanquished days of yore;

    When the world with faith was frilled,

    Bring back the fervid zest,

    The hearts of fire and steel,

    The hands that believe and build.