1 Timothy 2

Chapter 1 constitutes the first main division of the Epistle, and deals with the first duty laid upon Timothy as the apostolic representative at Ephesus. He is charged to check the false teachers and their false teaching.

Chapter 2 and 3 constitute the second main division and unfold the duty of Timothy in relation to the local churches.

This falls into three parts:

1. Paul sets forth regulations regarding public meetings Ch 2:1-15

2. He then reveals the qualifications of church officers 2:1-13

3. Concludes with a personal word to Timothy in view of Christian truth 3:14-16

This chapter is divided into three parts.

1. v. 1-7 presents the duty of public prayer

2. v. 8 offers instructions concerning the manner of public prayer

3. v. 9-15 gives the position of women in public worship

v. 1 Paul exhorts-beseeches-urges-entreats that prayer be given a place of priority in the assembly.

Let us now look at the four words which Paul uses to describe the different elements of prayer:

1. Supplication – this is a general term used for petitions or requests. It signifies prayer which springs from a sense of need.

2. Prayer – we address God in prayer. Prayer is unrestricted in its content. Prayers should be made in the context of reverence.

3. Intercession – this does not have the limitations of being only for others. It speaks of personal and confiding intercourse with God.

4. Thanksgiving – this is the spirit of gratitude for blessings already received, and for those to be received. It is the compliment of all true prayers.

This is the kind of prayer that the apostle urges upon all local churches.

Then notice the scope of our prayers.

The church is to be universal in its prayer, “for all men”:

1. Believers must be exercised and pray for a sin darkened world

2. We must also pray for all in authority

This is very important because prayer can change government proposals which would influence our spiritual welfare.

The result of such praying:

That we may lead quietly and peaceable in all godliness and honesty

V 3 Such prayer is “good” … “the word means excellent”

Such prayer is characterized as being “acceptable in the sight of God our Savior”.

v. 4 Such prayer is according to God’s will, “Who would have all men to be saved.”

v. 5-6 In these verses we have:

1. The unity of God: “There is one God”

2. The mediatorial work of Christ: “One mediator between God and man”

3. The universality of His atonement: “Who gave himself a ransom for all”

These facts would give us to believe that to pray for the salvation of all men

Is in accord with God’s will.

v. 7 “For this” … for the spreading of the Gospel to all mankind

I am appointed a preacher, an apostle, a teacher of the Gentiles

v. 8 “I desire that men pray everywhere.”

The word used here is specific in its meaning – males

The males of the congregation are exhorted to take part in public prayer.

Notice the moral qualifications of those who lead publicly in prayer.

1. “Lifting up holy hands” – describe some of the postures used in prayer. The important thing is not so much bodily posture, but the inner life. Holy hands … hands unstained with sin. Anyone who would lead believers to the throne of God must be morally qualified to do so. See Psalm 24:3-4

2. “Without wrath” i.e. in unity – harmony – one accord

3. “Without doubting” is in faith believing. Matt 21-22 “and all things, whatever you ask, believing, ye shall receive.”

v. 9 “In like manner also”

In v. 8 Paul has laid down the function of men in the church within the framework of prayer.

In the same way that he has instructed the men, he now proceeds to instruct the women as to their place in the local church.

He begins first of all by laying down some rules regarding women’s dress. Quote v 9 “That women adorn themselves in modest apparel.”

The key to the interpretation of the passage is found in the words “modest apparel”. In all likelihood the word “apparel” has a wider meaning than simply dress and denotes external department in look manners and dress.

Slovenliness in dress and appearance is unbecoming of Christian women.

With the godly concept in view, the spiritual sister will avoid immodesty and unseeming abuses, with godly fear and sobriety which is a well-balanced state of mind resulting from habitual self-restraint.

The rest of the verse “Not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array.” is a warning against the prevailing customs of the day.

v. 10 The true source of a Christian woman’s adornment is that of inner character.

“But which becometh women professing godliness through good works.”

Any spiritual sister who practices the presence of the Lord will have her appeal in keeping with her Christian character. She will concentrate on godliness with good works.

v. 11-15 The position of women in public meetings of the church.

v. 11 Paul issues a command concerning the woman

“Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.”

Woman are to learn not to lead

She to learn in silence = quietness

Then thirdly she has to be in complete subjection by placing herself voluntarily under the divinely instituted headship of the man.

The Gospel elevates the woman and gives her a position of spiritual equality with the man before God.

But in the Church God has ordained that the woman be in subjection to the man.

v. 12 The restriction upon the woman.

“But I permit not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man.”

The women are instructed here that to teach or preach in the local church when men are present is violating the Word of God. See also 1 Cor 14:34, 35

v. 13-14 In these verses Paul vindicates his actions and presents two reasons for his restrictions on the women in church: 1) Silence and 2) Subordination.

1. “For Adam was first formed, then Eve”

2. “Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”

May I remind you at this point of the wonderful work which some women have accomplished for the Lord.

Mary of Nazareth bore and trained the child Jesus.

Mary Magdalene ministered to the Lord with her substance, she also was the first to see the Lord in resurrection.

Priscilla with her husband Aquila taught Apollos the way of the Lord more thoroughly Acts 18-26

Euodia and Syntyche despite their quarrel labored in the Gospel Phil 4:2-3

Philip the evangelist had four daughters who were prophetesses Acts 21:9

The older women were to teach the younger women Titus 2:3

Paul held Lois and Eunice in the highest honor 2 Tim 1:5

There is many a woman’s name held in high esteemed in Rom 16

Dorcus was widely known for her good works Acts 9

There is a definite place for women to serve God, but not in a public capacity in the church when men are present.

v. 15 “Not withstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.”

Keeping this statement in context of women being deprived of taking part in the public arenas of the church … Paul is saying that a woman will (be) satisfied and feel fruitful in becoming mothers rather than addressing meetings.

“If they continue in faith and love and holiness = sanctification with sobriety”

They must continue in and possess personal faith, love for God and man and show the resultant sanctification of life

Sanctification includes all the Christian graces.

Singled out as a crowing feature of true godly womanhood is sobriety.

Sobriety or modesty is the well-balanced state of mind developed in the secret of God’s presence.