Old Testament (Jeremiah-Malachi)

Lesson 118: Jeremiah’s Call And Ministry
Jeremiah 1:1—2:19
Golden Texts Proverbs 29:25

I. The Historic Setting; 1:1-3. The decline of the nation of Judah due to its disobedience to the word of God and its sinful practices. Cp. 2 Chronicles 36:14-16. Jeremiah has been well called “The prophet of the bleeding heart and the iron will.”

II. The Divine Call; vs. 4, 5. Note its prenatal character. Cp. Galatians 1:15; Romans 8:29-31; Ephesians
1:4; John 17:2, 6, 9, 10, 11. 12, 24; 1 Peter 1:2; Romans 11:33, 34. Here is the glorious truth of God’s foreknowledge and predestination. Isaiah 40:28; 46:10; Acts 15:18.

III. The Response; V. 6. A sense of his weakness, ignorance and inexperience. Cp. Other calls and other responses. Moses, Exodus 4:10; Isaiah, Isaiah 6:5; Solomon, 1 Kings 3:7.

IV. The Divine Encouragement; vs. 7-19.

1. Divine Promise; v. 7. Think of Who is speaking! God’s promises are His enablings. Ephesians 3:20.

2. Divine protection; v. 8. “I am with Thee.” Cp. Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 28:19, 20; Isaiah 41:10; Deuteronomy 31:6; 2 Timothy 4:16, 17; Psalm 23:4.

3. Divine enduement. V. 9. Here is verbal inspiration Cp. 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21. Cp. 2 Samuel 23:2. “Thus saith the Lord.” Emphasize this.

4. Divine plan; v. 10. Note the order. First to pull down ere setting up. Man needs to be brought down. Matthew 9:12, 13? Luke 19:10. There must be repentance, humiliation, self judgment and confession of sin before there can be a building up in the holy faith. The great need of many is to unlearn their false theories before they can take in God’s truth.

5. The Divine illustration; vs. 11-16. All through this book symbols and pictures are used to convey the lesson.

6. The Divine commission; vs. 17-19. (1) To witness to the whole truth of the word of God. Cp. Acts 2:27. (2) To stand undaunted against the fiercest of opposition; v. 18. Jeremiah was not a self-made but a God-made witness. (3) The promise with it of triumph; v. 19. How good to know we are on the winning side! Romans 8:35-39.

V. The Message of God to the Backslidden People. C. 2:1-19.

1. Remembrance of the first love; vs. 1-3. Their kindness, love, obedience, holiness and devotedness. Cp. Revelation 2:4. Apply this to the young believer in the flush of his new found joy.

2. Reproach; vs. 5-8. Their forgetfulness of Him, of His deliverance, protection, guidance, provision and word. Is this true of us? 2 Peter 1:4-9.

3. Reason; vs. 9-13. The folly of departure from God, from glory to shame, from God to idols, from the fountain to broken cisterns!

4. Reproof; vs. 18, 19. Backsliding brings its own misery; sin its own punishment. How true is this today. Cp. Hosea 14:1-9; 1 John 1:9.

Lesson 119: The Persecution Of Jeremiah And The Captivity Of Judah
Jeremiah 36-38
Golden Text: John 13:48

I. Divine Message; 36:1-10.

1. Its source; vs. 1, 2. “From the Lord.” Cp. 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21.

2. Its purpose; v. 3. Repentance; Ezekiel 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; Nehemiah 9:17; Isaiah 55:6-8.

3. The commission to Baruch; vs. 4-7. “Go and tell.” Baruch’s sole responsibility was to read the word of God to the people and leave the results with Him. This is the Sunday School teachers and Gospel preachers job. Cp. 2 Timothy 4:2-5; Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15, 16.

4. The result; vs. 8-10. Note v. 8. “The word of the Lord in the Lord’s house.” The best Book in the best place.

II. The Rejection; vs. 11-26.

1. The audience of the princes; vs. 11-19. Its effects and their question.

2. The king’s fearful sin; vs. 20-26. He was the father of higher criticism. (1) His responsibility—he heard the words; vs. 20, 21. (2) His rejection; vs. 22, 23. He thought, as many since, that burning and rejecting the Word would nullify its truth. How foolish! Cp. Romans 3:3; John 12:47, 48; Revelation 22:18, 19. The critic’s penknife does not nullify the truth of God’s word, nor will it prevent God’s judgment coming upon him. (3) His callousness; v. 24. Unbelief causes mental assassination. (4) His persecution; v. 26.

III. The Renewed Revelation; vs. 27-32. The Bible is God’s indestructible Book. See how marvelously God has preserved it through the ages in spite of peril, fire, sword, and opposition of all kinds from pagan and religious bigots alike. See Isaiah 40:6-8; 55:11; Psalm 119:89; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25. Today there are more copies of God’s word in circulation than ever before.

IV. The False Accusation; 37:1-21.

1. The setting. See 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 37:1, 2. His penknife availed him naught!

2. The prophecy; vs. 3-10.

3. The false accusation; vs. 11-15.

4. The imprisonment; v. 16.

5. The query; v. 17. The fearlessness of Jeremiah. Cp. Jeremiah 1:8, 19, etc. Note the king’s question: “Is there any word from the Lord?” Is it yours for guidance, salvation and deliverance?

V. The Persecution and Deliverance; 38:1-14.

1. The Divine advice; vs. 1-3. Escape from the doomed city. Cp. God’s way now. Matthew 3:7; Job 36:18. This world is doomed. John 3:36; 2 Peter 3:10-12; 2 Thessalonians 1:8, 9. There is only one safe refuge. Flee to Christ.

2. The rejection of God’s word and God’s messenger; vs. 4-6. Cp. Luke 11:47-51; Matthew 23:37, 38; Acts 7:51-53; Matthew 5:10-12.

3. His deliverance; vs. 7-13. Note by whom.

VI. The Captivity of Judah; 2 Kings 25. Note 2 Kings 24:20. Cp. 2 Chronicles 36:14-16. Step by step they had descended into the depths of rebellion, sin and apostasy until “there was no remedy,” and the captivity became in evitable.

Lesson 120: Ezekiel’s Call And Commission
Ezekial 1:1-14. 26-28; 2:1-3:19
Golden Text: Ecclesiastes 3:14

I. The Preparation For It. 1:1-14, 26-28. A vision of the glory of the Lord.

1. The captivity; vs. 1, 2. The result of Israel’s and Judah’s continual sin. See 2 Kings 17:6-23; 24:20; Jeremiah 32:26-35. Sin still pays the same wages.

2. The vision; vs. 3-14, 26-28. (1) The creatures; vs. 4-14. The chariot has been likened to the four Gospels on which Christ rides forth as the Son of God incarnate. The four creatures illustrate the four-fold aspect of His Person and work, (a) Man—Luke’s Gospel that reveals Him as the Son of Man—the perfect sinless Man. (b) Lion—Matthew’s Gospel that shows Him as the King, (c) Ox—Mark’s Gospel that points Him out as Jehovah’s obedient Servant, (d) Eagle—John’s Gospel that unfolds Him as Eternal Son of the Eternal God. (2) The Throne; v. 26. Cp. Revelation 4:1, 2; 5:6; Isaiah 6:1. The place of authority, exaltation and glory; John 17:24; Hebrews 1:1-3. It is Christ’s by right of His Person and His work. (3) The occupant; v. 26. “A Man.” Hebrews 2:14; 1 Timothy 3:16; 2:5; Revelation 1:10-18. “The Man in the Glory.”

3. The Result; v. 28. Humiliation, reverence, and worship. Cp. The other visions of God and their effect upon man.

II. The Authority of It; 2:1. “He said.” Cp. Matthew 28:18; John 10:18; Mark 1:27. This is all we need. Cp. John 5:24, 25, 28; 6:63; Romans 10:8-17; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 John 5:9-13.

III. The Power With It. V. 2. The Spirit of God. This is the Divine order. Hearing the word, believing the Person, receiving the Spirit. Cp. Eph 1:13; John 3:5, 16:37-39; Zech 4:6; 1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19, 20; Ephesians 4:30, etc., etc.

IV. The Purpose of It. Vs. 3-5. That Ezekiel might be a messenger for God to a sinning people. Note v. 5. The responsibility of the messenger ceases when he has delivered his message. Ezekiel 33:9. Cp. Mark 16:15; Luke 8:39; Romans 10:9, 10; Acts 9:15, 16; 20:24; 1 Corinthians 9:16; 2 Corinthians 5:20-21.

V. The Encouragement With It; 2:6-3:10.

1. The word to him; v. 6. “Be not afraid.” Cp. Isaiah 41:10, 13-15; 42:6; 43:1, 2; John 14:27; 20:19; Hebrews 13:5, 6; 2 Timothy 4:16, 17.

2. The word in him; 3:1-3. This word needs to be taken in, fed on, meditated on and to become part of us. Cp. Jeremiah 15:16; John 6:53, 54, 63; 1 Peter 2:2; 1 Corinthians 3:2; Hebrews 5:12-14; Psalm 119:11.

3. The word through him; 3:4-10. Ezekiel became God’s mouthpiece. What an honor and privilege! Note v. 10.

VI. The Message; 3:12-19.

1. The persons; v. 11. Backslidden Judah.

2. The power; vs. 12-14. God’s commands are always accompanied by His all sufficient power and grace to execute them.

3. The message; v. 15. (1) The responsibility of the messenger; v. 18. Cp. Proverbs 24:11, 12; Ezekiel 33:6, etc. (2) The responsibility of the hearer; v. 19. Cp. Ezekiel 33:11; Isaiah 55:6-8; Proverbs 29:1; 1:24-31; Mark 16:16.

Lesson 121: The Testing Of Job
Job 1-2
Golden Text: Job 5:17

I. The Man; 1:1-5. Probably Job is the oldest book of the Bible.

1. His person; v. 1. (1) His historicity. Job was a real person. Cp. Ezekiel 14:14, 20; James 5:11. (2) His character. A model man. How few could measure up to this standard!

2. His possessions; vs. 2-4. He not only had character but wealth and influence.

3. His piety; v. 5. (1) He realized his responsibility as a father. Cp. Ephesians 11:4; Genesis 18:19. (2) He approached God through sacrifice. Hebrews 9:22. (3) He continued steadfast, “continually.”

II. The Adversary; v. C.

1. The angelic convocation; v. 6. “The principalities and powers in heavenly places;” Ephesians 3:10; Colossians 1:16, etc.

2. The heavenly attestation; v. 8. God delights in His people. 2 Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 16:3; Proverbs 11:20; 15:8.

3. The Satanic accusation; vs. 9-11. Briefly describe Satan’s history. (1) His exalted position. Ezekiel 28:12-15. He was the most glorious of God’s created beings “full of wisdom,” “perfect,” “anointed cherub,” etc. (2) His fearful sin; Ezekiel 28:15-17; Isaiah 14:12-14. “Pride.” Cp. 1 Timothy 3:6. (3) His fall; Isaiah 14:12, 15. (4) His present sphere, access to heavenlies and also to earth. Ephesians 6:12; 2:2; Colossians 2:15. (5) His work. (a) Tempting to sin. Genesis 3; Luke 4:2-13 (b) Blinding minds; 2 Corinthians 4:4. (c) Making captives; Luke 11:21, 22; 2 Timothy 2:26. (d) Accusing the brethren; Revelation 12:10. (6) His defeat; Hebrews 2:14, 15. By the Son of God at Calvary; 2:13-15. (7) His doom. Revelation 20:1-10. Note his accusation here and his challenge.

III. The First Test; vs. 12-22.

1. Its purpose. To test the reality of Job’s faith, love and obedience. God allows His people to be tested. Cp. 1 Peter 1:6, 7.

2. Its manner; vs. 13-19. The loss of all his earthly possessions. Notice how Satan planned blow after blow to fall in increasing severity so as to crush him.

3. Its Result; vs. 20-22. (1) Grief; v. 20. (2) Reverence; v. 20. (3) Submission.

IV. The Second Test; 2:1-10.

1. Divine approbation; vs. 1-3.

2. Satan’s further accusation; vs. 4-6. How true is v. 4 in many cases. This explains so called Christian Science with its “cures” and damnable doctrines.

3. Job’s fearful affliction; vs. 7, 8. Painful, loathsome, humiliating.

4. His sublime resignation; vs. 9, 10. God’s triumph through him.

V. The “Friends” Counsel; vs. 11-13. Touch briefly on their wrong conception of Job’s suffering. Chapters 4-31. They all combine in asserting that this calamity has come because of Job’s sins and ignore utterly the real reason. They represent worldly wisdom.

1. Eliphaz. He bases everything on experience. “I have seen.” 4:8-16.

2. Bildad. He rests everything on tradition, on what the fathers say; 8:8.

3. Zophar. He builds all on legalism and reason. G6d bestows His favor according to merit. 11:6, 5, etc.

Lesson 122: Job’s Restoration
Job 32-42
Golden Text: Job 23:10

I. The Pitiful Cry. Read Job 9:29-33; 16:21. Job never learned the why of all his suffering. He never knew that he was the battleground of God and Satan.

1. Man’s need of a Mediator is seen. (1) Man realizes he has sinned and thus offended God. Romans 3:10-19; Isaiah 1:4-6; Jeremiah 44:4, etc. (2) He realizes a sense of guilt and distance from God. Isaiah 59:1, 2, etc. (3) He realizes that sin demands punishment. Romans 6:23; 1:18; Ezekiel 18:4, etc. (4) He realizes that God being Infinite, and himself a sinner, he needs someone to come between and reconcile.

2. The essentials of a mediator. (1) He must be the equal of both parties. So Christ is both God and Man. (2) He should understand the case perfectly. (3) He should desire to bring peace. (4) Both parties must accept him. (5) Both parties must leave all in his hands.

3. Christ the one Mediator. 1 Timothy 2:5. He has fulfilled all the conditions. (1) He came to provide mediation. Mark 10:45; Luke 19:10; John 10:9; 3:16, etc. (2) He died to effect it. Colossians 1:20, 21; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21. (3) He ever lives to maintain it. Hebrews 7:25, etc.

II. The Mediator Provided; 32-37. Elihu comes in. Note the way of salvation revealed. Here is a most modern gospel message in this most ancient book.

1. Ruin; 33:19-22. What sin has wrought! Cp. Psalm 32:3, 4; Romans 3:10-19.

2. Repentance; vs. 27, 28. “I have sinned.” Cp. Luke 18:13; 15:21; 2 Samuel 12:13.

3. Ransom; v. 24. Mark 10:45; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.

4. Regeneration; v. 25. Cp. John 3:3, 5; 2 Corinthians 5:17. “Return todays of youth.”

5. Reconciliation; v. 26. Cp. Ephesians 2:12-14; Colossians 1:21; 2 Corinthians 5:19. “Favorable.”

6. Rejoicing; v. 26. Psalm 32:1; Romans 15:13; 51:2. “See His face with joy.”

7. Rest; vs. 27-31. Matthew 11:28, 29, etc.

III. The Revelation of Jehovah. Chap 38-41.

1. The unfolding of God’s omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and immutability as seen in creation, celestial and terrestrial God approaches in a whirlwind arid asks Job questions that reveal to him his utter ignorance, incompetence, frailty and sin. In other words, God allows Job to realize just what he is

2. Its effect upon Job. In the light of God’s omnipotence and holiness Job sees himself as he really is and confesses his true condition. See Job 40:3-5; 42:5, 6. This is always the effect upon man. Cp. Daniel 10:8; Zechariah 3:1-4; Revelation 1:17, etc. Is Job’s confession yours?

IV. The Restoration of Job; 42:7-17.

1. God’s word to Job’s friends; vs. 7-9.

2. Job’s intercession for them; v. 10.

3. Job’s restoration; vs. 10-17. Satan has been defeated. Job has learned his lesson and God has been glorified.

Lesson 123: The Young Hebrew Captives
Daniel 1
Golden Text: Psalm 37:5, 6

I. Their Condition; vs. 1-3.

1. The fall of Jerusalem; vs. 1, 2. The city of privilege that contained the temple where God’s glory dwelt; that had the inspired word of God; that had heard the prophets of God. Privilege brings responsibility. They had failed to honour God, had neglected the word of God, and persecuted the messengers of God, hence the judgment of God had come upon them.

2. The captives in Babylon; vs. 2, 3. Cp. 2 Kings 20:17, 18; Isaiah 39:7. (1) Desecration; v. 2. “The house of his God.” (2) Desolation; v. 3. In a strange land, amongst strange people, with strange gods. Here is the true test of character, the ability to stand alone.

II. Their Description; vs. 3-7. A picture of the ideal Christian.

1. Physical, “well favored.” V. 4. A healthy body is a great asset in life. Emphasize the value of keeping the body fit, and under the control of the spirit. See 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20.

2. Mental, “wisdom.” V. 4. A healthy “mind must be cultivated by study. 2 Timothy 1:7; 2:15.

3. Social; v. 4. “Stand in king’s palace.” The true Christian should always be a gentleman, courteous refined and considerate.

4. Spiritual; v. 8. Above all, Daniel put God first in his life. Cp. Matthew 6:33; Proverbs 3:6; 1:7.

III. Their Resolution; v. 8.

1. The motive of it—God’s honor. Doubtless this meat and wine had been offered to idols as was the custom in Babylon. Cp. 1 Corinthians 8:1-13. Daniel thus refused to acknowledge any God save the true God, the God of redemption, deliverance, and preservation. 1 Samuel 2:30. “God first” was their motto.

2. The strength of it—purpose of heart; v. 8. Cp Proverbs 4:23. His heart was fixed on God. Cp. Acts 11:23; 2 Timothy 3:10; Psalm 17:3; 2 Corinthians 9:7; Acts 19:21. Dare to have a purpose firm.

3. The cost of it—self denial. “Pulse”—a kind of porridge. “While the others ate the king’s meat and wine, they denied themselves. Cp. Titus 2:11, 12; Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; Phil 3:8; Acts 20:24.

4. The reward of it; vs. 10-16. God honored their bold stand for Him. He will be no man’s Debtor. No one ever loses who puts God first. See Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Paul, etc., etc.

IV. Their Education; v. 17.

1. Its Source—God. What a Teacher! What a school! Compare the Christian’s school. (1) The Teacher; John 16:7-15; 14:26. (2) The text book; 2 Timothy 2:15. (3) The course of lessons; Titus 2:12. (4) The purpose, to educate in His will, Romans 12:2, and be to His glory; Ephesians 1:12; 1 Peter 2:9.

2. Its effect: v. 17. All needed wisdom. James 1: 5: Proverbs 2:6-11.

V. Their Approbation; vs. 18-21.

1. The test; vs. 18, 19.

2. The triumph; vs. 20, 21.

Lesson 124: The Interpreted Dream
Daniel 2
Golden Text: James 1:5

I. The Perturbed King. Vs. 1-9.

1. The cause; v. 1. The dream. God oft-times has a purpose in dreams. See Job 33:13-17. Illust. Genesis 20:3-6; 31:10; 31:24; 40:5; 41:12; 1 Kings 3:5, etc. To those that have the word of God, this is not necessary. Jeremiah 23:28.

2. The command; v. 2.

3. The condition; vs. 3-6. The dream to be described and interpreted. An impossible task for the best of human wisdom. The threat and the promise; vs. 5, 6.

4. The consternation; vs. 7-9. Well there might be! How can the finite interpret the infinite? 1 Corinthians 2:14.

II. The Nonplussed Magicians; vs. 10-13. Their failure; v. 10. Here is the reasoning of human wisdom! How dark is everything without a Divine revelation! Read 1 Corinthians 1:19-21.

1. Their fear. Condemnation was upon them and death their portion.

2. Their fall; v. 12. The path of earthly glory leads only to the grave.

III. The Trusting Servant; vs. 14-23.

1. Prayer; vs. 14-18. Daniel knew the living God and had His promise such as Psalms 37:4, 5; 50:15; Isaiah 45:3; 50:10; etc. Note his fellowship in prayer, “Where two or three.” Cp. Matthew 6:6; 18:19-20; Philippians 4:6, 7.

2. Perception; v. 19. Nothing too hard for the Lord; Genesis 18:14; Jeremiah 33:3; James 1:5. The answer came by revelation. Cp. 1 Corinthians 2:10-14.

3. Praise; vs. 19-23. He gave God all the glory and praise. How often we forget to praise God for His answers to our prayers! Cp. Psalm 50:23. Daniel worshipped Him for His greatness, goodness, wisdom, power and revelation. Have we?

IV. The Interpretation; vs. 24-45.

1. The Explanation; vs. 24-28. God given the place of pre-eminence and honored before the king by his testimony. “There is a God in heaven that revealeth.” Show what God has revealed. (1) His Godhead in nature; Romans 1:18 (2) His righteousness in the law; Romans 7:12. (3) His mind and will in His word; Hebrews 1:1. (4) His love in Christ; John 1:18. (5) His grace in the Gospel; Titus 2:11. (6) His wrath in judgment; Isaiah 28:16-22. (7) His glory in His Son; 2 Corinthians 4:6.

2. The revelation; vs. 29-35. Draw a rough sketch of this image on blackboard or paper to give a general idea.

3. The interpretation; vs. 36-45. (1) The Head of Gold. Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire. (2) The Breast and Arms of silver—The Media and Persian Empire. (3) The Body of brass—The Grecian Empire. (4) The Legs of iron—The Roman Empire. Sketch briefly the history of these great nations and point out that prophecy is history written in advance Cp. Isaiah 41:22, 23.

V. The Result; vs. 46-49.

1. God honored and given the glory by Nebuchadnezzar; vs. 46, 47.

2. Daniel exalted; v. 48.

3. His friends honored; v. 49.

Lesson 125: The Fiery Furnace
Daniel 3
Golden Text: Daniel 11:32

I. The Royal Decree; vs. 1-7.

1. The forgotten lesson; v. 1. Cp. Chap. 2:47. How soon Nebuchadnezzar forgot his lesson of the living and true God. Deuteronomy 6:12; Psalms 9:17; 50:22; Deuteronomy 4:9.

2. The gin of idolatry; vs. 2-7. Cp. Romans 1:18-23; Psalm 115:1-8; Isaiah 44:9-20; Exodus 20:4, 5. Idolatry is both foolish and sinful.

3. The source of idolatry: Satan. Cp. 1 Corinthians 10:19, 20; Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:36, 37. The Devil is behind all idolatry and seeking for worship through it.

II. The Bold Refusal; vs. 8-12.

1. The reason. They knew God. They had proved Him to be the only, the true, the living and the all powerful One by experience. They had the knowledge of God. Have we? Cp. Proverbs 1:7; 2:5; 2 Corinthians 4:6; 1 Corinthians 1:24.

2. The result. A bold uncompromising stand for Him against all opposition. Cp. Daniel 11:32; 2 Timothy 1:12; Romans 1:16. The knowledge of God nerves the soul and encourages the spirit. Illust., The martyrs of the church through all ages.

III. The Fearful Threat; vs. 13-15.

1. The rage; v. 13. The wrath of man robs him of his reason, balance and justice. Which is best to fear—the wrath of men or the wrath of God? Job 36:18; Romans 1:18; Revelation 6:15-17.

2. The threat; v. 15. The fiery furnace that could only touch the body. Matthew 10:28.

IV. The Brave Avowal; vs. 16-18.

1. As to God’s ability; vs. 16, 17. “Our God.” Theirs by (1) Knowledge They knew Him; John 17:3. (2) Choice; “we serve.” (3) Experience. As seen and proved in their lives.

2. As to their own responsibility; “But if not.” Here is the, crux of faith, “if not.” At all costs they .would stand for Him, even though He did not deliver them from this horrible death. See Hebrews 11:35, “not accepting deliverance.”

V. The Divine Deliverance; vs. 19-27.

1. The fiery furnace; vs. 19-23. Its effect upon the executioners.

2. The Divine Companion; vs. 24, 25. In the midst of the trial, He was there. Cp. Isaiah 43:1, 2; Hebrews 13:5; Psalm 23:4; 2 Timothy 4:16, 17; Isaiah 41:10, 13; Proverbs 18:24; Matthew 28:18-20.

3. The marvellous result; v. 27. A complete deliverance in their trial, not deliverance from their trial. Cp. Job. 23:10; 1 Peter 1:7; 1 Corinthians 10:13.

VI. The Royal Proclamation; vs. 28-30. Cp. Deuteronomy 32:31.

1. Nebuchadnezzar’s testimony; vs. 28, 29. (1) As to their faithfulness and courage; v. 28 Matthew 5:16; 1 Peter 2:11, 12. (2) As to God’s supreme authority and power; v. 29. Cp. 2 Thessalonians 1:12.

2. Their triumph; v. 30. If God is put first He will look after our earthly Interests. Cp. Matthew 6:33.

Lesson 126: The Humiliation Of Nebuchadnezzar
Daniel 4
Golden Text: Proverbs 16:18

I. The Preface; vs. 1-3. This reveals the purpose for this recital of his experiences. What a grand testimony to the wisdom, might, good-ness and power of the eternal God, and this from a heathen king!

II. The Dream; vs. 4-18. Again God speaks to him in this way for a good purpose. See Job 33:14-17. Note especially Job 33:17. Note the various ways in which God communicates His will to man. (1) By direct speech as Adam, Genesis 3; Abram, Genesis 12:1; Noah, 6:13; Moses, Exodus 3:4, etc. (2) By vision as Ezekiel, Ezekiel 1; Isaiah, Isaiah 6, etc. (3) By His servant’s speech; Hebrews 1:1. (4) By His Son; Hebrews 1:2; John 5:36; 6:29; 7:16; 17:8, 14. (5) Dreams, as Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 2; Daniel 4; Joseph, Genesis 37; Joseph, Matthew 2:13, etc. (6) By the written word, 2 Timothy 3:15; 2 Peter 1:21, etc. The God of creation is the God of revelation. The God Who breathed into man has breathed into the Scriptures making them living and powerful; Hebrews 4:12. Note again the failure of mere human wisdom.

III. The Interpretation; vs. 19-27.

1. The Interpreter. (1) A spiritual man. V. 8. To which Nebuchadnezzar testifies (2) A faithful servant of God. Vs. 19-26. It might easily have cost him his life to thus speak to this autocrat before whom all trembled. He who greatly fears God, fears no man. See Daniel 3:17-18; Proverbs 29:25; Ezekiel 2:6; Acts 20:24-27; Ezekiel 33:1-6; Proverbs 24:11, 12; 1 Corinthians 9:16.

2. The plain spoken warning-; v. 27. (1) To hear wisdom—would he had taken it to heart! Cp. Proverbs 1:5; 1 Corinthians 14:38. (2) To turn from sin. Cp. Isaiah 55:6, 7; Acts 20:21. (3) To turn to God; v. 25. Cp. 1 Thessalonians 1:9. (4) To do righteousness; v. 27. Here is a message to a king of long ago that needs to be reemphasized today. Acts 17:31.

IV. The Humiliation; vs. 28-33.

1. His boastful pride; vs. 28-30. His fearful error. He left God out! Cp. Luke 12:16-29; Psalm 10:4. The great tragedy of a Godless life. He was “ungodly.”

2. His solemn message; vs. 31, 32. Cp. Proverbs 16:18.

3. His sad condition; v. 33. His glory gone, his pride abased, his humiliation complete. This is always the Divine order. Cp. Luke 18:14. The way “up” is “down.” James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:6.

V. The Revelation; vs. 34, 35. The lesson has been learned.

1. He learns his blessings come from God; v. 34. “Lifted up.” Cp. James. 1:17; Acts 14:15.

2. He learns that God is the Ruler over all; vs. 34, 35.

3. He learns his right place—that of humble dependence upon God for wisdom to rule in His fear and favour; v. 37.

VI. The Restoration; vs. 36, 37. His testimony. Happy is the man whom God chastises and who learns the lesson! Hebrews 12:11.

Lesson 127: Belshazzar’s Feast
Daniel 5
Golden Text: Matthew 12:36

I. The Sinful Orgy; vs. 1-4. Another one of the night scenes of Scripture all of which will repay close study. At this feast there is a trinity of evil.

1. Intemperance. Sin against self; v. 1. The folly of it is seen (1) By Scriptural injunction; Proverbs 23:29-32; Isaiah 5:11, 22; Proverbs 20:1. (2) By scientific investigation by doctors, etc. (3) By human experience. How true is Proverbs 23:21. This can be seen anywhere and any time.

2. Immorality. Sin against fellowman; v. 2. What a fearful scene of unmentionable vice.

3. Infidelity—Sin against God; vs. 3, 4. (1) His desecration; v. 3. That which had been sanctified for God’s service used in service of sin. (2)His blasphemy; v. 4. Deliberate gross insult to the living God! This is what sin really is—an insult to the majesty and holiness of God. Jeremiah 44:4; Isaiah 59:1, 2; Habakkuk 1:12.

II. The Divine Revelation; vs. 5-9.

1. Its means; v. 5. The fingers of a man’s hand. Four times in Scripture God is said to write. (l)To reveal His holy requirements; Exodus 31:18; 20:1-17. (2) To unfold His righteous judgments; Daniel 5:5. (3) To declare His wondrous grace; John 8:6. (4) To manifest His saving grace and regenerating power in the believer; 2 Corinthians 3:2, 3.

2. Its effect; v. 6. The proud blaspheming braggart has gone and a trembling coward takes his place! Cp. Matthew 22:12; Revelation 6:15-17; Matthew 12:36, 37; John 12:46, 47. Here is a picture of man in the presence of the God against Whom he has sinned. Romans 14:12.

3. The appeal; vs. 7-9. Cp. 1 Corinthians 2:14.

III. The Interpreter; vs. 10-24.

1. His reputation; vs. 10-12. What a character to have after all those years in a heathen court! Is it ours? Cp. Paul’s, 1 Timothy 1:19; 2 Thessalonians 2:10; Peter and John, Acts 4:13. Cp. 1 Corinthians 3:2.

2. The request; vs. 13-16. Would that he had been advised by Daniel before!

3. The refusal; v. 17. To have received this would have been to put a price on the word of God—an abomination to God. Matthew 10:8; Isaiah 55:1, 2; 3 John 7; 1 Corinthians 9:18.

4. The rebuke; vs. 18-24. (1) The example he had ignored. V. 18:21. (2) The pride of heart he had shown. V. 22. Knowledge brings responsibility. “Light rejected bringeth night.” (3) The blasphemy he had Perpetrated; v. 23. What a fearful indictment!

IV. The Interpretation; vs. 25-28.

1. The weighing; v. 27. The heavenly Analyst. God sees all, hears all, knows all! See Revelation 20:11-13.

2. The wanting; v. 27. This is God’s commentary on man. Man has been weighed under innocence, conscience, human government, law and grace and is still “wanting.” Romans 3:10-19.

3. The woe; v. 28.

V. The Fulfillment; vs. 30, 31. Judgment swift and sure. Shall this be your portion or shall the day of Judgment find you “complete in Christ?” Colossians 2:9, 10; John 5:24; Romans 8:1.

Lesson 128: Daniel And The Den Of Lions
Daniel 6
Golden Text: Daniel 12:3

I. His Position; vs. 1-3.

1. His promotion; vs. 1, 2. Cp. Proverbs 18:16.

2. The reason; v. 3. What a character after all the years in Babylon! In the-midst of idolatry, voluptuousness and sin of every description; Proverbs 4:18; Isaiah 27:3; Jude 24.

II. His Peril; vs. 4-9.

1. The cause—Envy; v. 4. Proverbs 14:30; 27:4; Matthew 27:18.

2. Their testimony; vs. 4, 5. (1) As to his ability, intellectual and administrative power. (2) As to his integrity. Even in the merciless light of public office, no flaw was found in him. (3) As to his fidelity—he. ploughed a straight furrow and gave unswerving devotion to his task. (4) As to his devotion. Unhindered by affairs of state he did not conceal his worship of the true God; v. 5.

3. Their plot; vs. 6-9.

III. His Piety; vs. 10, 11.

1. The circumstances of it. “When Daniel knew.” He knew what it would cost to take a bold stand. Cp. Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:32-39.

2. The character of it—Bold, uncompromising, deliberate. Daniel was no “secret disciple.” Cp. John 12:42, 43.

3. The confession of it. A public declaration of his faith in God. Cp. Romans 10:9, 10; Mark 8:38. “Dare to be a Daniel.”

IV. His Persecution; vs. 11-17.

1. The accusation; vs. 11-13.

2. The intercession; vs. 14, 15. The helplessness of the king, bound by his own red tape and the laws he had given.

3. The execution: v. 16. Note the king’s testimony to Daniel’s integrity and assurance of his safety. Deuteronomy 32:31.

V. His Preservation; vs. 18-23.

1. The king’s concern; vs. 18-20.

2. The Lord’s care; v. 22. The Creator can govern His creation. He is the God of the impossible. Cp. 2 Peter 2:9; 1 Peter 5:7; Zechariah 2:8: Romans 8:28; Matthew 6:25-34; Psalm 91:2-11.

3. The servant’s confession; v. 22.

VI. The Punishment; v. 24. Hoist with their own petard! What poetic justice! Proverbs 28:10; 26-27; 5:22; Galatians 6:7.

VII. The Proclamation; vs. 25-28. Thus was God glorified through Daniel. Note the description Darius gives of “the God of Daniel.”

1. Living: v. 26. Not like the dead idols. Cp. Joshua 3:10; Hebrews 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:9: 1 Timothy 4:10.

2. Immutable. “Steadfast.” Cp. Malachi 3:16.

3. Everlasting, “ever.” Deuteronomy 33:27; Isaiah 40:28.

4. Delivering; v. 27. Cp. 1 Timothy 2:3, 4; Titus 2:11; Ezekiel 33:11.

5. Omnipotent and working; v. 27. Cp. Mark 10:27, etc.

Lesson 129: Esther
Esther 1-10
Golden Text: Psalm 23:28

The book of Esther is the unfolding of God’s providence in history. Psalm 22:28; Romans 13:1-7. A study of history will reveal an unseen power controlling, raising up one nation and putting down another. Though God’s name is not mentioned in Esther yet He is seen actively working on behalf of His people, the Jews; overruling the wickedness of man and bringing His own purposes to pass. The teacher would do well to study the story thoroughly, and then tell it to the class. It never fails to fascinate and the moral will need no application if well told.

I. The Deposing of Queen Vashti; ch. 1—2:4.

1. The voluptuous feast; vs. 1-9. Ahasuerus is the Xerxes of history. Look up a good history book on his life. This feast was given in order to make his lords forget the severe defeat he had suffered in battle.

2. The command; vs. 10, 11.

3. The refusal; v. 12. “Whether Vashti did right or wrong in refusing has been the subject of much controversy.

4. The result; vs. 13-2:4.

II. The New Queen. Ch. 2:5-23.

1. Her origin; vs. 5-7. All attempts to exterminate or assimilate the Jew have been in vain. Genesis 12:2-3.

2. The choice; vs. 8-17.

3. The feast; vs. 18-20.

4. The discovered plot; vs. 21-23.

III. The Fateful Decree; 3:1-4:3.

1. Its instigator; 3:1-6. Haman has not been the last to attempt the impossible task of annihilating the Jews as a nation. Cp. The anti-Semitic pogroms of history.

2. The cruel edict; vs. 7-15.

3. Its result; 4:1-3.

IV. The Commission to Esther; 4:4-5:8.

1. Her grief; v. 4.

2. Her message; vs. 5-9.

3. Her commission; vs. 10-14. Note especially last clause of v. 14. Here is the key to the Book.

4. Her request; vs. 15-17.

5. Her audience with the king; 5:1-4.

6. The banquet; vs. 5:5-8.

V. The Promotion of Mordecai. 5:9-6:14.

1. Haman’s hatred; 5:9-13.

2. His scheme; v. 14.

3. The king’s command; 6:1-3.

4. The king’s question; 6:4-9 What shall be done to the one whom God delights to honor? Ephesians 1:3.

5. The promotion of Mordecai; 6:10-14.

VI. The Judgment on Haman; 7:1-10.

1. The accusation; vs. 1-6.

2. The judgment; vs. 7-10. Here is poetic justice indeed—to be hung on his own gallows! Cp. Proverbs 28:10.

VII. The Deliverance of the Jews; 8-10.

1. Esther’s request; 8:1-6.

2. The new charter; 8:7-14.

3. The resultant joy; 8:15-17.

4. The deliverance; 9:1-19.

5. The proclamation of Mordecai; 9:20-32.

6. The might of Mordecai; 10:1-3.

Lesson 130: The Return Under Ezra
Ezra 7-10
Golden Text: 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18

I. The Historic Setting. Ch. 1-6.

1. The fulfilled word. 1:1-6. Over 200 years before, Cyrus’ name had been given and his purpose revealed! (1) As to the Period; Jeremiah 25:12; 29:10. 70 years. (2) As to the Person; Isaiah 44:28; 45:1. (3) As to the Purpose; Isaiah 44:28; 45:1, 13. Cp. God’s appeal to fulfilled prophecy; Isaiah 41:21-23.

2. The return under Zerubbabel; 2:61-3:13. Note the order and apply spiritually. Cp. the order in Hebrews 10:12-22. (1) Restoration of the priesthood; 2:61-63. The truth of mediation; Hebrews 4:14, 15. (2) Restoration of the altar; 3:1-5. The truth of substitution; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:5, 6. (3) Restoration of the temple; 3:6-13. The truth of worship; Hebrews 13:15; John 4:23. 24.

3. The opposition; 4:1. (1) Their false offer; 4:1-4. Note the answer; v. 4. Cp. Ephesians 5:11; 2 Corinthians 6:14 God’s word does not contemplate a mixed “church membership,” composed of saved and lost as is seen in Christendom today. (2) Their false accusation and its result; vs. 5-24. (3) The revival; 5:1-2 under Haggai and Zechariah. Cp. Haggai 1:1-11. Read these verses carefully. Verse 4 is quite appropriate in many quarters where the place of meeting is in disgraceful condition while the saints live in luxurious homes. (4) The letter and its answer; 5:3-6:12. (5) The completion of the temple and the resultant joy; 6:13-22.

II. The New Expedition; 7:1-8:36.

1. The leader—Ezra. He was (1) A ready scribe; v. 6. (2) A Scripture student; v. 6. (3) A prepared servant; v. 10. (4) An obedient disciple; v. 10. “Do it.” (5) A determined teacher; v. 10. “Teach.”

2. The charter; 7:11-26.

3. The journey; 7:8, 9; 8:21-36. (1) The time, “New Year’s Day.” 7:9. Cp. others; Genesis 1:5; 8:13; Ezra 10:12, 17; 2 Chronicles 29:5, 7, 17; Exodus 40:2, 17; Ezekiel 29:17. (2) The prayer; 8:21-23. Note v. 22. It is one thing to say that we believe; another thing to demonstrate it to others. (3) The safe arrival; 8:24-36.

III. The God Honoring Revival; 9:1-10:17. Cp. the need of revival today.

1. The imperative need; 9:1, 2. The unequal yoke, conformity to the world and unjudged sin.

2. The concerned minority; v. 4. Cp. Isaiah 66:1, 2; Malachi 3:16.

3. The humiliation and confession; vs. 5-15. Note how he identifies himself with Israel. 1 John 1:9. Cp. Daniel 9:3-6.

4. The revival. C. 10. (1) The desire of the people; 10:l-5. The covenant with the Lord. (2) The proclamation; vs. 6-8. (3) The exhortation; vs. 9-12. Note the plain speaking. (4) The separation; vs. 13-17. This is God’s order for revival today.

Lesson 131: Nehemiah And His Work
Nehemiah 1-6, 8
Golden Text: 2 Timothy 2:15

I. The Historic Setting; 1:1-11.

1. The report of the land; vs. 1-3.

2. The effect upon Nehemiah; vs. 4-11. (1) Sorrow of heart; v. 4. What Jerusalem stood for: (a) The place where God had put His name; 1 Kings 14:21; Deuteronomy 12:5, 21, etc. (b) The capital of the land God had given them, (c) The centre of the worship of the true God—the temple. (2) Confession from the heart; vs. 5-10. (3) Purpose of heart; v. 11. To do God’s will in His strength.

II. The Royal Favor; 2:1-9.

1. Nehemiah’s occupation; 1:11. A position of great trust, for poisoning was a common way of disposing of kings.

2. The king’s query; 2:1-4. Note the swift uplook of faith; v. 4. Nehemiah had the habit of prayer. “A good habit to cultivate!” Ephesians 6:18; 1 Thessalonians 5:17, 23; Luke 18:1; 11:9, 10.

3. Nehemiah’s request; vs. 5-8. And its answer.

III. The Midnight Reconnoitre; 2:11-18. Like a good leader he wanted to know the worst so that he could plan the best.

IV. The Restoration of the Wall; 2:19-6:19.

1. The opposition. The Devil, through his servants, will supply plenty of this! Cp. Ephesians 6:10-18. Note the various kinds of opposition he had. (1) Grief; 2:10. (2) Laughter; 2:19. (3) Scorn; 2:19. (4) Ridicule; 4:3. (5) Wrath; 4:1. (6) Conspiration; 4:8. (7) Conflict; 4:18 (8) Subtility; 6:1, 10.

2. The organization. Nehemiah was an ideal leader. There was (1) Proper division of labor—“Every man over against his house.” Here is the truth of individual responsibility. (2) Cooperation. There was harmony and unity of purpose. It was one work. (3) Concentration. They could all be rallied. To one point at a given signal; 4:11-20, etc. (4) Absolute dependence upon God combined with nard work; 4:8, 9. They prayed, watched and worked. Here is faith which works by love; Galatians 5:6.

3. The completion; 6:15-19.

V. The Great Convocation; 8:1-18.

1. The purpose of it; v. 1. To instruct in the word of the Lord. A good Scriptural precedent for a Bible convention.

2. The manner of it; vs. 2-8. (1) There was a good method, (a) An understanding people; v. 3. (b) An opened book; v. 5. God’s word honored, (c) An elevated platform so that all could see and hear; v. 4. (2) There was good matter—the word of God; v. 8. (3) There was good ministry; v. 8. It was (a) distinct, (b) well expounded, (c) understood. Would that all conferences were like it!

3. The result of it; vs. 9-18. (1) Conviction; v. 9. (2) Comfort; vs. 10-12. Note especially v. 10. (3) Compliance; vs. 13-17. (4) Continuance; v. 18.

Lesson 132: The Vision Of Zechariah And Prophecy Of Malachi
Zechariah 3; Malachi 3-4
Golden Text: Malachi 3:16

With this lesson our studies in the Old Testament are concluded.

I. Zechariah. C. 3.

1. His work; vs. 1-3. Contemporaneous with Haggai in Jerusalem at the return of the exiles. See Ezra 5:1, 2. His message was one of revival, encouragement and restoration.

2. His vision of Joshua. C. 3. This is one of his many visions and a good illustration of the gospel. It reveals the need of man and God’s way of salvation to meet his need. (1) His condition; 3:1-3. (a) In the presence of God; v. 1. What a solemn sight! Man in the presence of his Creator! Cp. Hebrews 4:13; Psalm 139:1-8. This produces humility (Isaiah 6). Reality—None will question His judgment (Revelation 20:10-15). Fear (Revelation 6:16). (b) Accused by Satan the adversary; Revelation 12:10. The fearful enemy of man; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 2 Timothy 2:26, etc. (c) Defiled by sin; v. 3. “Filthy garments.” Cp. Isaiah 64:6; Job 9:30, 31; Psalm 14:2, 3. This is man’s natural covering in spite of his pride, self righteousness, good works and religion, (d) Deserving of wrath, “plucked from burning.” Hebrews 9:27; Hebrews 12:29; 10:31; Romans 6:23; Ezekiel 18:4. (2) His cleansing; v. 4. (a) The source of it. “I have caused.” Only God can forgive. Luke 5:21. (b) The basis of it. The sacrifice made and accepted; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21; Romans 3:24; Isaiah 53:5, 6. (c) The condition of it. Faith; Romans 3:25, 26; 1 Corinthians 6:11; Revelation 1:5; 1 Peter 1:18. (3) His clothing; v. 4. Cp. Luke 15:22; Romans 3:20-22; Isaiah 61:10. (4) His crowning; v. 5. Cp. Psalm 103:4. All spiritual blessings; Ephesians 1:8-14. (5) His call; v. 7. (a) As to his walk. “In My ways.” Cp. Ephesians 2:10; 4:1; 5:2; 5:15; Galatians 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:4; Colossians 4:5, etc. (b) As to his work. “Charge;” v. 4. Cp. Mark 16:15; Acts 20:24; 2 Timothy 4:1-8. (c) As to his worship. “Keep My courts.” Cp. Hebrews 10:19-22; Psalm 100:4. (d) His comfort and hope. The Branch—Christ; v. 8; Isaiah 4:2; Jeremiah 2:5. Cp. 1 Timothy 1:1; Hebrews 6:18-20; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-18; 1 John 3:2, 3.

II. Malachi 3-4.

1. Purification; 3:1-6. Note the illust. used. V. 3. In the East the refiner of silver watches the crucible and removes the dross until he can see his reflection in the molten metal. Then he knows it is fit for use. Cp. 1 Peter 1:7; Job 23:10; John 15:1; 2 Corinthians 7:1.

2. Exhortation; vs. 7-15. Cp. 2 Corinthians 8:9; 1 Corinthians 16:1, 2. Give all He asks and take all He promises.

3. Revelation; vs. 16, 17. Comfort for the remnant. Note v. 16. (1) A good condition, “feared Lord.” (2) A good occupation, “spake often one to another.” Cp. Hebrews 10:25. (3) A good result; v. 17.

4. Consummation; 4:1-3. (1) Christ will come as the “Morning Star” to translate and glorify the church; Revelation 22:16; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, etc. (2) As the “Sun of Righteousness,” He comes to reign on earth; Psalm 2:6-8; Isaiah 2:1-4, etc.