Synopsis Of Subjects

I. Introduction

Why the Instruction for the Vessels before the Tabernacle? Why Eleven chapters about the making of the Tabernacle, and less than two for creation? The teaching of the Tabernacle, a witness to the inspiration of the Bible.

II. The Gate of the Court

Man at a distance from God; Christ the way to God. The Four Pillars, or The Four Evangelists and their special messages. The Scarlet in the Gate, or “Made nigh by the blood of Christ.”

III. The Brazen Altar

The Work of Christ on the Cross. The Justification of the sinner. The Material, Measurements and Shape of the Altar, a witness to the full Deity and true Humanity of Christ. The Developement of the Altar and the Predictions of Christ’s coming as Saviour, a parallel.

IV. The Brazen Laver

The Unfinished Work of Christ. Why do we not get the Laver in the same order as the other vessels, that is just before the Brazen Altar? Why have we no measurements given for the Laver? Why do we not read of staves to carry it? How the Brass to make it was obtained.

V. The Court Wall and its 60 Pillars

The Security, Stability, Unity and Responsibility of all Believers. Or, The Brazen Sockets and pins, with the Silver Rod and their teaching.

VI. The Coverings and the Curtains

The Sanctification; The Consecration, The Expiation and the Exaltation of Christ. Why are thirteen verses given to the Fine Twined Linen, blue purple and scarlet; and the Goats’ Hair curtains, and but one verse for the Rams’ skins dyed red, and Badgers’ skins coverings? Why God has said so much more about the death, than the life of Christ?

VII. The Door of the Tabernacle

Christ in Glory, the Way by Whom believers draw near in worship. The Five Pillars of the Door, as compared with the Four Pillars of the Gate, and their teaching.

VIII. The Silver Sockets

Christ the precious and sure foundation. God’s great type of man’s need of redemption. Christ taking the sinner’s place. David’s fatal omission and its consequences. Peter’s mistake in committing the Lord to the payment of the half shekel; and the grand picture of redemption it brought out.

IX. The Boards of the Tabernacle

How God is now building a spiritual house. Cut down, Stripped, fitted and fashioned and covered with gold. No longer in the earth, but resting on the silver sockets. In, but not of the World.

X. The Veil, and its Rending

Christ’s Death fully manifesting God. How on the Cross was seen all that the Veil spoke of, the full Deity of Christ, His perfect Manhood, His Kingship, etc.

XI. The Seven Branched Lampstand

The Holy Spirit: the only light by which the things of God can be known. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His Divine glory. Christ and Believers, or how the Lampstand sets forth death and resurrection, by which they became one. The Church cared for, as Aaron tended the Lampstand. The responsibility of the Church to shine during Christ’s absence, or “From the evening unto the morning.” Why no size is given for the Lamp-stand while its weight is given.

XII. The Golden Table and the Shew bread

Christ the food of His people. Christ sustaining His saints in communion with the Father. Christ glorified, the pledge of the future regathering of the 12 Tribes, back to Palestine, to be one undivided nation there. The governmental completeness of the Church, and its future reign with Christ over the earth.

XIII. The Golden Altar of Incense

Christ now appearing in heaven for us. The believers’ acceptation; “Accepted in the Beloved.” Believers as an “Holy priesthood”; Their place of worship and their sacrifices. Strange fire, What is it?

XIV. The Ark and Mercy Seat

The Ark and the law, or The place which our Lord gave the Word of God. How His use of it condemns as error, the Evolution theories of Modernist preachers. The contents of the Ark, a type of the provision God has made in Christ, for the present needs of the Church. The Mercy Seat, Christ, on the ground of Whose work, God can meet sinners in grace and not in judgment. The two goats on the day of Atonement, Or propitiation and substitution. The Staves of the Ark, or Christ as Priest and Advocate.

XV. The Old Staves and the New Cart

A good work done in a wrong way, or, not going to the Word to learn how to do God’s work. The story of the Ark captured by the Philistines. The terror it caused. Sent back to Israel in a new cart. David’s mistake in copying the Philistines. David restored and back to the old staves.

XVI. The Material used and how it was Obtained

Where did all the gold, silver, brass, precious stones, etc., come from? What is meant by the command to “borrow” from the Egyptians, jewels of silver and jewels of gold? A time when the people brought too much stuff. The widow who gave all.

XVII. The Workmen of the Tabernacle

Where did a nation of slaves, who made bricks for for Pharaoh get the skill to work in the Tabernacle? Bezaleel, a type of all whom God calls to His work. His fellow-helpers, both men and women. God’s Divinity School for His servants; or the use of the gifts which Christ has given to the Church.

XVIII. The Inspection of the Work by Moses

The Judgment Seat of Christ, the trial of the work of the believers. Going by the pattern. The sisters’ work and the commendation of the Lord. The Tabernacle finished and filled with glory. The Church glorified.