Book traversal links for Note to the Second Edition
Second And Revised Edition.
Note to the Second Edition.
A new edition of this book having been called for, the author has carefully revised the Original Lectures. and they are now re-issued in an enlarged form and in the order in which they were delivered to large audiences in Y.M.C.A. Hall, Belfast, during his visit to the homeland in 1927-28.
Kilmarnock, Scotland:
John Ritchie, Ltd., Publishers of Christian Literature
London: Hulbert Publishing Co., Ltd., 7 Paternoster Row.
Made in Great Britain.
(Printed at Publishers own Works at Kilmarnock).
Prefatory Note.
I have read these Twelve Lectures with pleasure and profit. They set forth in simple and Scriptural teaching, vital truths foreshadowed in these great types which the Holy Ghost has left on record, for our instruction and edification.
There is no part of the Sacred Word so full of the excellencies of the Person and virtues of the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ as the typical books, yet it has to be confessed, no part of Holy Scripture is less known. Comparatively few read these books, and of those who do, not many dig to find their hidden treasures. And in our time, little is heard from them in public ministry. This is our common loss.
It is therefore with gratitude that we welcome these pages, and with confidence that we here commend them to the Lord’s people.
This book contains the substance of what has been given fully to interested audiences of hearers in parts of America and Australia. It is now passed on in this handy form, to be read and compared with the Word, by all who in every place love its holy pages, and seek to become better acquainted with Him of whom Moses wrote, to whose Peerless Person, Perfect Sacrifice, and Ceaseless Service in the Heavenly Sanctuary, these types have borne their witness.
May the book be well-pleasing to the Lord, acceptable to His people, and a means of blessing to all who read it.