Book traversal links for The Early Church - Chapter 10 - Functioning as a Body
Chapter 10 - Functioning as a Body
great concern of I Corinthians 12 is to teach believers to recognize
the sovereignty of God in distributing spiritual gifts to His people
("as He will" v. 11). Each needs to learn to appreciate the others and
to exercise his own particular gift. In chapter 13 the spirit of love
is stressed as absolutely vital to the functioning of the body of
Christians. Without this all activity is futile and without the
blessing of God. Unless there is love the local church is sure to
flounder and to fall.
How are these gifts to be exercised?
Chapter 14 gives instruction concerning the conduct of the meetings of
the local assembly for edification of itself. That all gift may have
opportunity to develop, there should be liberty. That there be no
confusion there must be order, one at a time. That the assembly be not
excessively wearied by too lengthy a meeting a limit of several for
each activity is suggested. Through it all the goal must be that of
body strengthening and building up. "Let all things be done unto
edifying" (I Cor. 14:26).
How often today these truths are
ignored to the poverty of the local assembly! There is no question but
what individual participation contributes to personal growth and
maturity far more than just listening to a good sermon. The work of
preaching the Gospel is another matter. Here we consider the
edification of the local church.
Recently in reading a modem
psychology text book by Floyd L. Ruch, PSYCHOLOGY AND LIFE, 6th edition
(Chicago: Scott, Foresman and Co., 1963), this writer was struck by the
relevance of certain principles which are applied to Group Dynamics
(pp. 422-423). Some of these principles are taught in the Scriptures
mentioned above and it is interesting to see them recognized in a
secular textbook. The study of group dynamics has as its goal the
discovery of those principles which will enable a group to operate most effectively with each member making his maximum contribution. Surely
this should be the goal of every assembly of Christians. Every member
functioning, every member fulfilling his destiny. This does not come
about automatically; "group members are made, not born."
What are
some of these principles which will enable a group to fulfil its
function to the fullest degree? First of all, atmosphere is stressed.
The physical setting will either help or hinder a group in its
functioning. The setting should make members feel comfortable. Here one
would consider comfortable seating and a moderate temperature. The
arrangement of seating is important. Seating planned so that all can
see one another is more conducive to active participation than rows of
seats with the leader in front.
Besides the physical setting the
size of the group itself tones the atmosphere. Size should be kept
small; a large group causes people to withdraw from discussion. Of
course, there can be some flexibility here, but experience has proven
that a group becomes ineffective if it becomes too large.
reduction is discussed. The newcomer must be made to feel at home and
at ease. People must get acquainted, must get to know one another for a
group to function properly. Each must feel accepted and a part of the
Another point discussed was that of distributive
leadership. Groups can function without a formal leader. Different
members can assume and share the various functions of leadership. This
eliminates the tension of an autocratic leadership. Here we can see the
wisdom of a plurality of elders in an assembly, all sharing the
leadership (Acts 14:23).
There must be goal formulation if a
group is to prosper. Unless each member feels he has something to
contribute and something to gain from group membership he is unlikely
to continue. His relationship is unproductive and sterile. Why should
he continue it? Is not this why some local churches die out?
point made is that of flexibility. Meetings planned too far in advance
lose their original interest. Also immediate conditions may demand a
change of approach. There should be flexibility in the group to allow
for such changes. Here one sees the value of the "open meeting" of I
Corinthians 14. The Holy Spirit should have liberty in the church to
meet the immediate needs of God's people.
For true group unity
there should be consensus of opinion. No formal voting on an issue
should be required; in fact, this will tend to destroy the group by
causing members to take sides, thus creating factions. An issue should
be discussed until there is unanimity of opinion, the right solution
being obvious to all (cf. Acts 15:22). Surely in an assembly of
Christians this is oneness of mind and purpose. Without this God's full
blessing is impossible (Ps. 133).
As a group developes the
members learn to work together, to function together as a body. Each
becomes more and more sensitive to the abilities and needs of the
others and of his own role in the group. The author calls this process
awareness. Scripture describes the assembly as a body with each member
having a care and love for the others. All are knit together,
functioning together, to accomplish the purposes of God (Eph. 4:16).
the need for continual evaluation is emphasized. A healthy group is
constantly taking stock of its program, continually evaluating its
accomplishments and its goals. Is the group accomplishing what it
desires? How can its goals be better defined? What better methods can
it use for the good of all? A stagnant group is one which has ceased to
evaluate and in time it will disintegrate.
One can see the great
wisdom of our God in giving instructions for the local assembly. These
principles enunciated by the Apostles as they went about establishing
assemblies are designed to provide an atmosphere which will stimulate
Christian growth and maturity. They have never been im proved, but
often neglected in Christendom. The vasti structured organizations of
many churches often put on an interesting program for the congregation,
but their sheer size and deadening formality tend to discourage
individual participation and growth.
Perhaps some assemblies of
Christians need to rethink their goals. In some cases, there may have
come in a spirit of discontent with simplicity of meeting, perhaps a
desire to imitate the program of the large, formal church. If there
is a lack of spiritual growth and of zeal for the lost, let us confess
our individual failure to God. If some of our methods are outdated and
unsuitable, let us change them. There is a constant need to evaluate
the program of the local church. However, through it all let us
remember that the basic framework for the assembly as found in
Scriptures embodies principles which are being recognized by the world
today as vital (Luke 16:8). If followed in humility and in dependence
upon the Holy Spirit, these principles for God's assembly will produce
spiritual Christians, mature men of God. This is His desire for His
people today (Eph. 4:13).