Book traversal links for The Early Church - Chapter 8 - The Church in Thy Home
Chapter 8 - "The Church In Thy Home"
arresting words are found in Philemon 2 where Paul includes in his
greeting "the church in thy house." The phrase is striking because the
concept is so foreign today. As soon as a "church" is mentioned the
image of a stately building with a spire pointing heavenward flashes
upon the screen of one's mind. This image naturally will not fit into
the average living room!
Of course the enlightened know that Paul
is greeting a company of believers who met regularly in Philemon's home
for teaching, prayer, and worship. A material building is not a church;
it can only house the assembly of believers who gather. Nevertheless,
to many it is old fashioned ever to think of an assembly meeting in a
home. If a work is begun it must start with a special "church"
building. To meet in a home or small rented quarters is often regarded
as reactionary.
First of all, one needs to notice that there is
Scriptural precedent for meeting in a home (Rom. 16:5; I Cor. 16:19;
Philemon 2). If a group should begin this way it could not be called
unscriptural. Not that one would say an assembly must necessarily start
or stay in a home to be scriptural. Evidently a rental hall was used by
the group in Ephesus for some time (Acts 19:9). An assembly may outgrow
quarters in a home.
There are certain practical reasons for starting
an assembly in a home. There is no great expense involved. Two or three
families can begin meeting as a New Testament church that might be
financially unable to rent or to buy a building. Should they be denied
the privilge of meeting in Scriptural simplicity until such time as
they can afford a building?
When a group begins in a home or
rented quarters, a spiritual concept of the assembly is likely to
develop from the tint. There is no "church" building to confuse the
issue. From the beginning Christians realized an assembly is a body of
believers. In their feebleness and smallness of numbers they learn
blessed lessons of faith and dependence on the Lord. Often in adverse
circumstances God makes Himself known with thrilling sweetness to the
"little flock."
The informal atmosphere of the home encourages
participation and growth on the part of young believers. Few young
Christians would dare to stand and preach in a church building.
However, in the intimate surroundings of the home with a few families
present, men who are young in the Lord begin to express themselves in
prayer and in the Word (I Cor. 14). Here spiritual gift begins to
blossom and the future elders of the assembly begin to stretch
themselves. One day they will lead the flock. May one add that an
assembly regardless of size would do well to nurture that loving family
spirit of the home in its gatherings. The Holy Spirit longs for liberty
to express Himself. Too often He is imprisoned in a strait jacket of
programs and organization.
Finally, one might add that there are
vast areas over the face of the earth where believers are persecuted
with vicious hatred. Here they meet furtively from house to house,
changing the place and time lest they be discovered. Muted singing,
prayer, the precious Word of God, a table with a cup and a loaf
surrounded by several earnest families — is not this a church in the
truest sense?
The time may come in other lands when those who
love the Lord dare meet no longer in public church buildings. Driven
underground, believers may know afresh the reality of God's Presence
with the little flock, "the church in thy house." Let us not despise
small beginnings.