Joshua 6

Israel is now in the land.

Much of what had been left undone in the wilderness had been put right.

1. The males had been circumcised at Gilgal.

2. They had kept the Passover. The first time in 40 years.

3. The manna had also ceased, and they had eaten the corn of the land.

Following these events Joshua had received a divine revelation—5:13-14.

God appeared to Joshua in the same way He appeared to Moses. This was one of the Theophanies of Christ. At this point the Leader was revealed.

After much preparation of heart the people were ready for the conquest of the land.

v. 1—The people of Jericho trusted in the strength and height of the walls. In the eyes of the carnal spies Jericho was one of the cities that was utterly unassailable. This whole episode was a challenge of faith.

v. 2—“I have given it into thy hand.”

v. 3-5—Although God had promised them the city, they had to do something. Describe.

Humanly speaking these instructions were foolish. To add to the complexity of the situation, how could a bunch of inexperienced slaves who knew nothing but desert ever hope to capture a fortified city?

Had Joshua consulted his commanders, they would have suggested many ways to subdue Jericho.

1. Starve them out through a protracted siege.

2. Make ladders and scale the wall.

3. Use heavy battering rams.

4. Tunnel under the walls, etc.

Each would lean on his own understanding.

Joshua did not consult his commanders, he trusted God. He had confirmed with God and implicitly would obey His instructions. God’s ways are so different from ours.

The mighty lawgivers of Israel was preserved in a frail basket. The mighty giant of the Philistines was overcome by a sling and stone. Elijah was sustained on a handful of widow’s meal.

The forerunner of Christ lived in the wilderness, dressed in a coat of camel hair, wore a leather belt, ate locust and wild hen.

The Savior was born in a stable and cradled in an animal’s feeding trough.

The ones whom the selected to be His ambassadors were unlettered fishermen.

v. 6-9—Notice the place “the ark” was given.

It was central in the order of procession.

1. The men of war.

2. The ark preceded by the seven priests.

3. Finally came the people.

As they walked around they were told not to speak, only the trumpets were heard—v. 10.

v. 12—they rose up early the next morning.

v. 14—the second day they encompassed the city, then they returned to camp. They did this for six days.

v. 16—on the seventh day they encompassed the city seven times. Joshua then commanded the people to shout.

v. 20—when the trumpets blew and the people shouted the walls fell down flat.

Hebrews 11:30—“By faith the walls of Jericho fell down, after they were encompassed for seven days.”

Is it possible that after last week’s lesson that some of you crossed over Jordan and passed from the “self life” to the “Christ life”, and before you knew it there stood Jericho, immense, impregnable, impossible.

To overcome this obstacle:

1. Put God first, make Him your leader.

2. Have implicit faith in Him, blind faith if necessary.

3. Obey the Word of God.

If we do, victory will be ours in Christ.

A New Testament event to illustrate this. Mark 4:25-41.

Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us pass over to the other side.” On the way the storm arose. Describe the attitude of the disciples. “Master don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus replied, “How is it that you have no faith?” Jesus calmed the storm. He can calm every storm and remove every obstacle from our path. “Have faith in God.”