The Book Corner

The Book Corner

The Bible: the Inerrant Word of God? By James Naismith. Toronto, Canada: Everyday Publishers Inc., 1978. 29 pp. $.75.

One of the leading themes — and a very vital one — being written and talked about, as well as preached on, among Christians today is the inerrancy of the Scriptures. Some, including evangelicals, are saying that the Bible contains errors and inaccuracies, although these same evangelicals hasten to affirm that the Scriptures are trustworthy in matters of faith but not always so in matters of fact.

James Naismith, a medical doctor and Bible teacher, ably presents within a short scope his answers to this problem. After introducing the subject, he goes on to state the problem and its seriousness, examining what the Bible says of itself. Following these things, the author considers evidences of the divine origin of the Scriptures, what Christ said about the Scriptures, and then concludes with comments on the supposed errors, discrepancies and contradictions of the Scriptures.

If you know anyone, younger or older, who is troubled by the problem of inerrancy versus errancy, here is a booklet which is both reliable and to the point, providing sane, sensible and Scriptural answers on this crucial issue.

—W. Ross Rainey

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Faces of Asia. By R. E. & G. I. Harlow. Toronto, Canada: Everyday Publishers Inc., 1978. 31 pp. N.p.

How much do you really know about Asia? Here is an interesting and informative pictorial guide on Asia, furnishing the reader with facts, figures and faces relative to nine key places, six religions, and numerous assembly commended workers throughout this vast area.

Faces of Asia is attractively put together with full color front and back covers, and richly garnished with 115 photographs taken by the authors during their journeys in the Lord’s service in the Far East, including two centre pages of color photos. Its size is 8 ½ x 11 inches, thus in appearance much like a secular newstand magazine.

It would be a useful tool for any missionary study class, particularly for those having special interests in Far East missionary work, serving also as a practical prayer reminder for those wishing to pray more intelligently for Asia and its multiplied needs, as well as for the various needs of commended workers.

We are happy to commend and recommend this unusual publication to the Lord’s people in Canada and the U.S.A., and anywhere else it may be circulated.

—W. Ross Rainey