Book Corner

Book Corner

Speaking in Tongues: A Scriptural Study. By Harold Mackay. Everyday Publications Inc.: Toronto, Canada, 1977. 48 pp. $.75.

Beginning with an examination of Pentecostalism in the light of the Scriptures the author goes on to treat briefly five other important topics related to the subject of tongues:

· What is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost?

· Should we expect a revival of sign gifts?

· Tongues at Corinth

· Tongues as a sign

· Are tongues for public or private use?

To anyone confused over the subject of tongues or simply wishing to gain further knowledge and understanding of this lively theme, here is an attractive booklet that will lend considerable help. It is the kind that can be passed along to people —Pentecostals included — with complete confidence in its clear, concise and convincing treatment of today’s tongues movement.

If a reprint of the booklet is needed (and we hope it will have several reprints), some minor printing errors should be corrected. “Louis,” in Dr. Johnson’s name, should be spelled “Lewis” (p. 11). On page 19 “christian” should be spelled with a capital “C.” And grammatically, “us” on page 48 should read “we.”

Should I Speak in Tongues? By Franklin D. Taylor. Everyday Publications Inc.: Toronto, Canada, 1977. 62 pp. $.95.

Of the many helpful booklets available on today’s tongues movement this one is par excellence, at least in this reviewer’s estimation. After introducing his subject and his purpose in taking it up, Dr. Taylor, a qualified educator, develops his thoughts in a fourfold way under the following chapter headings:

Expelling Popular Notions

Explaining Vital Questions

Exploring Common Concerns

Examining Future Consequences

Anyone working with college students, particularly with those caught up in the charismatic confusion of our day, would find this booklet a very helpful tool. It could also be used profitably as a basis for a group Bible study on the subject.

A Glossary of terms and an extended Bibliography add considerably to the booklet’s value.

We highly recommend this study with the prayerful hope that it will have a wide circulation.

How to Teach the Tabernacle. By David Gooding. Everyday Publications Inc.: Toronto, Canada, 1977. 40 pp. $1.25.

Teach the Tabernacle to children? Yes, this is precisely what David Gooding suggests to us in this booklet, also pointing out “the splendid opportunity it offers for the use of visual aids.”

Beginning with a lesson on the Tabernacle as a whole, the author goes on to develop his thoughts and ideas concerning:

· The Altar of Sacrifice

· The Laver

· The Incense Altar

· The Veil

· The Ark and the Mercy Seat

· The High Priest

· The Lampstand

· The Table

Mr. Gooding’s final lesson puts across the truths centering on Christ as the one and only way of salvation.

In the center of the booklet are three pages of beautiful color illustrations of the Tabernacle furnishing and a fourth page presenting a sketch of the court of the Tabernacle.

As the author says in his introductory remarks: “This book, then, is for the teacher. Its illustrations will allow the teacher immediately to visualize what the Tabernacle and its furniture looked like. The ‘lessons’, too, are for the teacher. They are not written with children of any particular age-group in mind nor are they offered as containing each one the precise amount of material necessary for one lesson in class. They offer rather the raw material which teachers can adapt for themselves according to their own ideas and the needs of different classes.”

If you wish something new and different to teach children, then here is a booklet to assist you in putting across Tabernacle truths in simple fashion.

— the Editor