The Book Corner

The Book Corner

The Prophet of the Watchtower: Dr. Fredk. A. Tatford; Prophetic Witness Publishing House, 2 Upper-ton Gardens, Eastbourne, Sussex BN21 2AH, England.

Dr. Tatford has given us several excellent expositions of the Minor Prophet. These are in the “Twentieth Century Series.” He has indicated their application to our times of lawlessness, strife and immorality.

In The Prophet of the Watchtower, his exposition of the Prophecy of Habakkuk, he shows answers to some very perplexing problems: the sin and departure of a divinely chosen people, the chastisement upon this people, the unholy instrument by which the Lord inflicted this discipline, God’s righteousness in both punishing sin and yet preserving His people. He is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.

There are seven short chapters in the small volume. The first is introductory. Chapters two and three cover chapter one of Habakkuk; chapters four and five, chapter two; chapters six and seven, chapter three.

Dr. Tatford does his research work thoroughly. His background material is invaluable.

In the U.S.A. and Canada this hook may be secured from Loizeaux Brothers, Neptune, New Jersey.