Book Review

Book Review

The Beatitudes of Jesus: William Fitch; William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.

Dr. Fitch believes that the laws of the Kingdom of God should govern the loyal citizens of that Kingdom just as much during the absence of the King as during His glorious reign.

He sees clearly in the beatitudes of the Lord a moral portrait of the Master Himself, and teaches from them that all who would be like Christ must build into their character the qualities indicated by each beatitude.

This book makes delightful reading; is thoroughly evangelical; it presents the life that is a gift from God, and teaches the life that is a testimony to God.

Price $3.25, Home Evangel Books Ltd., 25 Hobson Avenue, Toronto 16, Ontario.

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The Trinity: Edward Henry Bickersteth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan, U.S.A.

Some have enquired about a volume on the doctrine of the Trinity. Here is our selection. The book is a systematic treatment of Scripture’s own testimony to the One Eternal God who has revealed Himself in the threefold distinction of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Bible Students will find this volume informative and inspirational.

Price $3.20; Home Evangel Books Ltd., 25 Hobson Avenue, Toronto 16, Ontario.