
With Introduction by James Wright

“I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.”

Pickering & Inglis, Printers and Publishers.
London: H. A. Raymond, 16 Paternoster Square, E.C.

Printed by Pickering & Inglis,
73 Bothwell Street,

This Photograph was taken as Mr. Chapman was standing at the desk giving an address in the Barnstaple Annual Meeting. He did not know of its existence for some time, but afterwards gave his consent to its being sold, if the proceeds went to help the Lord’s work in other lands.


I am not insensible to either the privilege or the responsibility of preparing this small volume. It is simply an endeavour to record some features of the character and service of a “man of God” who was esteemed wherever he was known, and to relate a few facts concerning his early years, with which, perhaps, few are acquainted. The chief value of the Book will be found in the reproduction of some of Mr. Chapman’s own words, both in the brief Memoir and in the subsequent pages. One less occupied could probably have arranged available materials in a more orderly manner, and also have thought of matters that will not be found here.

Some repetition can scarcely be avoided in notes of addresses given in different places and at different times, and in a final reading I have observed that one extract on page 125 is very similar to a paragraph on page 133. This I scarcely regret, as it leads me to call special attention to the truth, so clearly stated, as to what the Son of God emptied Himself of and what He did not; for a specious perversion of the teaching of Philippians 2:7 is being much used to deprive the Lord’s words concerning the earlier Scriptures of all authority.

Thanks are due to friends who have kindly sent notes of utterances or incidents, even though all I have received could not be used. Where two or three versions of an incident have been given, and no one could supply exact details, it has seemed better not to relate it.

The Introduction, which Mr. James Wright has kindly written, will be appreciated by many. His fellowship would be valued in any service; but a consciousness of the inadequacy of this brief Memoir makes me the more grateful for these supplementary words from the pen of one whose knowledge of and friendship with Mr. Chapman date much further back than my own.

W. H. Bennet
Yeovil, November 24, 1902.