The Book Corner

The Book Corner

Over the past year or so Loizeaux Brothers publishers has reprinted several of their older books and booklets and has given them new looks and looklets (could it be I’ve just coined a new word?).

Among the booklets reprinted are the following:

Secret Societies by George L. Hunt (29 pp. $1.15). This brief treatise provides a clear Biblical answer to the question, Can a Christian be a member of a secret society and still honor the Lord Jesus?

The Witness of Arithmetic to Christ by F. W. Grant (60 pp. $1.95). This study presents clear, simple, soul-nourishing instruction on the numerical structure of Scripture. The material has been excerpted from F. W. Grant’s monumental work, The Numerical Bible, also available from Loizeaux Brothers (7 vols. $63.50).

Death and Afterwards by H. A. Ironside (48 pp. $1.00). This internationally beloved author examines what the Bible has to say concerning death and the hereafter for the Christian, the Christless, and what happens to the spirit, soul and body.

Sailing with Paul by H. A. Iron-side (78 pp. $1.35). Applying the details of Acts 27 in a spiritual way, the author charts the course of the Christian from conversion to the judgment seat of Christ. It is a study designed to introduce young believers in particular to the steps of the Christian life until life’s journey is ended. All believers, younger and older alike, will be helped to a fuller understanding of what conversion and the Christian life involve.

Among the books reprinted are the following:

Secrets of Romanism by Joseph Zacchello (224 pp. Paper, $3.95). Having been written by a former Roman Catholic priest, here are answers to such key questions as: Is the Bible a sufficient rule of faith?

Was Peter a Pope? Is there a purgatory? Is Mary our mediatrix? Each chapter takes up one question in two parts: first, the Roman Catholic doctrine on the subject, then the answers from the authorized Douay and St. Anthony Guild versions of the Bible.

The Basis of Premillennial Faith by Charles C. Ryrie (160 pp. Paper, $3.95). As in the past, so today there is considerable controversy over the premillennial position. In this highly readable treatise the essential facts regarding the premillennial faith are presented in a clear, direct, challenging manner.

If you are unable to purchase these publications in your local Christian bookstore, you may obtain them by writing directly to the publisher: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., P.O. Box 277, Neptune, New Jersey 07753.

In later issues of FOCUS we will review three new books recently published by Loizeaux Brothers.

—The Editor