The Messianic Psalms
Part 9b
This is the concluding stanza of Psalm 45 in the expository articles covering the Messianic Psalms by Dr. John Boyd, Hollywood, Ireland. What a preview of Messiah’s eventual glory! The next article deals with Psalm 69.
Stanza 6 The Glory of Messiah’s Marriage (vs. 13-15)
The Psalmist goes on to describe the wedding. The bride is first seen preparing for the marriage in her own apartments, in the inner part of the palace (R.V. marg.). She is called “the King’s daughter” to denote her relationship to God, and the dignity of her election. As she stands there ready, her glory shines forth. Words worthy of the Bridegroom’s description are applied to the bride, “all glorious.” As an indication of this glory one item is particularized her clothing. This is gorgeous and resplendent with threads of gold interwoven in it, marking the position of honour to which she has been raised by virtue of her union to Messiah.
In v. 14 we see the bridal procession. The queen is at the head, going forward to meet the King. Again her apparel is described as broidered work, suggesting a rich display of colour, worked with infinite patience. Does this refer to the Tribulation through which Israel has just passed, having produced in her those beauties which only oppression and chastening can yield? Following the queen in the retinue come ‘the virgins her companions’ — those Gentile nations who, having heeded the Gospel of the Kingdom, are now to share the blessings of that Kingdom. These nations are called her companions for they had helped Israel in her distress. Now in her train they are being brought to the King for they are bidden to the marriage feast.
As the procession moves on, winding its way into the shining ivory palaces, the Psalmist paints a picture of great delight, of gladness and rejoicing. There Israel and the faithful nations will dwell with Christ, and enjoy Millennial bliss.
Stanza 7 The Glory of Messiah’s Offspring (v. 16)
One result of the marriage will be the glory of the offspring. In the past the kings of Israel could only boast in their fathers. They rejoiced to look back on the prosperous and glorious days of David and Solomon. But how their children would turn out they knew not. So often these brought shame and disgrace upon the father’s fair name. In contradiction the fruit of the union of Messiah and Israel will be a princely and spiritual progeny. With them will Messiah rule over the nations; they will rejoice in Christ their King; they will shew forth His excellencies; they will bring everlasting glory to His name.
In the epilogue (v. 17) the Psalmist tells us of his purpose in writing the Psalm — to keep continually before future generations the name and fame of this all-glorious King. He has set down for a permanent record the overflowing of his heart’s contemplation of the great King. It will evoke an outburst of praise, admiration and thanksgiving from the peoples of the earth to the long-expected Messiah of the Jews. This has been the portion of myriads who have found great joy in meditating upon this Psalm. They have oft expressed their delight in its sentiments as they look forward in joyful anticipation to that grand day when the King of kings will come into His own.
Shall not we who have been redeemed by sovereign grace join our tribute of praise to His wonderful name? The coming coronation of Messiah will be a sight of matchless splendour. Let us for a little while turn our hearts and minds away from ourselves, from our privileged position, from our blessings, from even our prospects, bright though they may be, and fix them upon the coming glory of God’s great King, upon that day when
“The beauty of the Saviour shall dazzle every eye,
In the crowning day that’s coming, by-and-by.”
This is a theme most worthy of our meditation. It rejoices our hearts to know that our Saviour and Lord will one day reign in glorious majesty over the whole earth, with a magnificence unparalleled in the history of mankind. He who had been rejected and despised will then take supreme control — His rightful place at last. May we be enabled by faith to anticipate that day! May we hear something of the praises that will ascend to Him as He is `worshipped, glorified, adored’ by a wondering universe!
“Hark! those loud triumphant chords.
Jesus takes the highest station.
Oh what joy the sight affords!
Crown Him, Crown Him,
King of kings, and Lord of lords.”