
6th Edition 1944
Loizeaux Bothers, Inc.
19 West 21st Street
New York, 10 N. Y.

The present volume consists of Notes of Lectures on the Roman Letter, substantially as given to the students of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, 111., the Evangelical Theological College of Dallas, Tex., and at various Bible Conferences through the United States and Canada in recent years.

They are sent forth in printed form in response to the earnest solicitation of many who heard them; and in the hope that they will be used of God to the blessing of numbers who cannot be reached by the spoken word.

The author is indebted far more than he realizes to writers and speakers who have gone over the same ground before him. No claim is made for originality. It is God’s truth—not that of any teacher—and as such it is committed to His care for His glory.

H. A. Ironside.
July 30th, 1927.