Book traversal links for Preface
My heart felt appreciation goes to two special people in my life. First my life’s partner and co-worker, Marge who through the years took the lowly place as a “keeper at home” and stayed by the “stuff” and carried on the domestic responsibilities giving me freedom to spend time in the Word, preparing messages to share with our Filipino friends and others. A special thanks goes to our daughter Ruth, who has made many helpful suggestions in the production of this book.
Thank you beloved!
A Study Aid For Serious Christians & Busy Workers
This book is intended to be a reference tool rather then an exposition of Scripture or commentary. A study aid for committed Christians and busy servants. It covers mostly topical themes and each of the twelve chapters follow a planned format. Each chapter opens with, EXPOSITION – a detailed exposition on the theme of the chapter. This follows with, OUTLINES – also consistent with the theme of the chapter. Then, SEED THOUGHTS AND SERMON STARTERS – these are very brief thought provoking outlines. Then, NOTES AND QUOTES – to stimulate interest. Followed by MEDITATIONS – devotions that touch the heart and leads to worship, and finally, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS – to deal with difficulties relating to the theme of the chapter.
The goal of this book is to stimulate under the ministry of the Holy Spirit a desire in the hearts of sincere believers, to search the Scriptures and claim the treasures that God has for us, and above all that our blessed Savior and Master will be glorified.
The title of the book was inspired by the abundant provision, Naomi observed in one days gleanings of Ruth, her daughter-in-law. It so impressed Naomi that, she asked; “Where hast thou gleaned today?” Ruth 2:19 - A good question for us to ask ourselves and of our friends. “Where hast thou gleaned today?” – (In God’s Book)