The Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-12

Worship Calls for Divine Guidance

The Wise Men’s purpose was to worship Christ (see Matthew 2:2). God led these wise men; they followed the star and were brought into the presence of the Christ and then they presented their gifts. If we are to obey the Father’s wishes (see John 4:23), then we must be led by Him through the infallible guide – the Word – as applied by the Holy Spirit. 

John 16:13 “He will guide you into all truth.”

John 16:14 “He shall glorify Me.”  

Consider Abraham Here:  

First of all, God made known His wishes (see Genesis 22:2). Abraham, at great cost, carried them out. In the final act, he severed all fleshly connections (see Gen. 22:5) and then went on to worship. Notice that Abraham was going to worship – to offer his son as a burnt offering. Then, finally, he offered the ram as a burnt offering. In Leviticus 1, Moses, brings the burnt offering to our attention. This typifies Christ offering Himself without spot to God to do His Father’s will, even unto death. Then, conversely, in the same sacrifice God is well-pleased with His Son.


The Wise Men Received Divine Revelation Concerning the Birth of the King 

When the new star appeared they had to make a decision: Will we go and worship Him? Or will we stay? Their subsequent experiences show how worship calls for both concentration and determination of the will. On arriving in Jerusalem, they were treated coldly. “Where is He that is born King of the Jews?” they asked. Many were unaware of His birth, indifferent even, and Herod was opposed.

These wise men could have been discouraged – but their interest and love was concentrated on Christ and they were determined to find Him and worship Him. Concentration of mind is necessary if we would worship. Determination of the will is essential if we are to overcome the world, the flesh and the devil.


Worship is Accompanied With Joy

Following the star from Jerusalem, they came to “the house.” “They saw the young child.” “When they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” (see Matthew 2:10). Their joy must have been indescribable, when they saw the King. Occupation with the Son of God not only leads to worship, but also fills the worshipper with joy, unspeakable and full of glory. Some examples include: 

    Mary: “My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior” (see Luke 1:46-47). 
    The Disciples: They were glad when they saw the Lord (see John 20:20).
    The Cleansed Leper: “And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks”(see Luke 17:15-16).


We cannot worship unless we see the Son of God 

It was when “they saw the young child” – or the Lord Jesus – that “they fell down and worshipped Him.” The great error at Corinth was that while they were holding the Lord’s Supper, some were “not discerning the Lord’s Body.” This is what brought God’s judgment upon some.


Worship Involves the Trinity

The Father seeks such a one to worship Him (see John 4 and Hebrews 1:6). When He brought the first begotten into the world, He said, “And let all the angels of God worship Him.” Philippians 3:3 says, “For we are the Lord’s people who worship god by the Spirit.”

What is it that hinders this blessed state?

    - The carelessness of one’s walk.

    - The worldliness of one’s life.

    - Un-judged and un-confessed sin.

An example of this is the two on the way to Emmaus (see Luke 24). In Ephesians 1:18, Paul prayed, “that the eyes of your understanding might be enlightened.” Spurgeon wrote: 

“If now with eyes defiled and dim,

we see the signs but see not Him;

O may His love the scales displace,

And bid us see Him face to face.” 


Hebrews 2:9 “But we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the angels, crowned with glory and honor.” 


“Gazing on the Lord in glory,

while our hearts in worship bow;

There we read the wondrous story,

of the cross its shame and woe.

Gazing on it we adore Thee

Blessed precious, holy Lord!

Thou the Lamb alone are worthy,

This be heaven and earth’s accord.” 


Worship is Presenting Our Gifts to God

The wise men presented unto Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold represents His Deity. Frankincense represents His life. Myrrh represents suffering and death. Contact with fire represents the life of the Lord. And finally, myrrh speaks of suffering and is associated with the death of our Lord Jesus.

These men in essence expressed: 

    Their faith in His essential and eternal Deity.

    Their appreciation for the fragrance of His sinless life.

    Their estimation of the virtue and value of His vicarious sufferings.

We should keep these thoughts in mind when we worship. Nothing delights the Father more than to receive from His people gifts expressing their appreciation of His Son.