Ruth 2 & 3

Where hast thou gleaned today?

Ruth gleaned in the field of Boaz until evening. Then she beat out what she had gleaned and she was satisfied. Then she shared it with another.

This is ever the divine order:

1. There is the gleaning.

2. There is the beating.

3. There is the eating.

4. There comes the sharing.

We are living in days of great activity.

The doctrine of activity is past in the place of feeding on the Word of God. We are told that the way to grow is to work. But how can we work without drawing strength from Communion?

We can only give the overflow to others. Let us see how this works in two instances in the New Testament.

John 1:35-42—After John the Baptist pointed out Jesus for the second time as the Lamb of God. Two of his disciples left him and followed Jesus—v. 37.

There were with Jesus for a day—v. 39. What a day that must have been! The communion, fellowship, and instruction.

While with Him they gleaned, then the beat out what they had gleaned, they ate and were satisfied, then they shared the overflow.

Andrew found his brother, Peter, and told him, “We have found the Messiah”—v. 41. Peter came and believed that Jesus was the Messiah—v. 42.

John 4 (The woman at the well):

1. She gleaned in the presence of the Lord.

2. She beat out the great truths He taught her.

3. She ate and was satisfied.

4. She then shared the overflow of her heart.

See verses 23 through 29, and 39 through 41.

v. 19—the man’s name is Boaz.

Ruth not only worked in his field, but she also confesses the name of the lord of the field. She becomes a living witness.

v. 20—Blessed be He of the Lord, who has shown kindness both to the living and the dead.

The living would be Naomi and Ruth. The dead would be Elimelech, Mahlon, and Kilion.

One of our next kinsman. See Deuteronomy 25:5-10.

“Kinsman”—a kinsmn was one who possessed common blood, which was strongest and nearest to its origin in the father’s house. It was the duty of the kinsman to redeem near of kin. Naomi recognized this and encouraged Ruth to walk in the way of God—v. 22.

v. 23—Ruth followed the instructions of Naomi.

This relationship can also be seen in the New Testament. Paul and Timothy—see Titus 2:3-5. The older sisters should teach the younger.

Ruth 3

v. 1—Naomi’s concern for her daughter-in-law. In chapters 1-2 the thought is “finding grace.” In chapters 3-4 the thought is “finding rest.”

It should be the desire of every believer who has found rest themselves to seek rest for those younger in the faith.

Notice the steps in Ruth’s experience to final rest:

1. She found a degree of rest in Canaan—sanctification.

2. She also found rest in the fields of Boaz—service.

3. She found complete rest at the feet of the one she loved—submission.

Notice something else here. Before Ruth found rest there were certain things she had to do. She had to leave Moab, enter Canaan, work in the field, keep herself pure, and enjoy fellowship with and abandon herself to the lord of the harvest.

If we would enjoy rest, we too must abandon all fleshly pursuits. We must enter/cultivate a relationship with the Lord. We must busy ourselves in the Lord’s service, keep ourselves unspotted from the world, our fellowship must be with the Lord, and we must surrender ourselves to Him without reserve.

The result will be perfect rest, fullness of joy, fruitfulness of service, and an indescribably relationship with Christ. This is what God wants for each of us. This is what we should desire for each other.

Naomi’s desire for rest for Ruth no doubt included marriage. Ruth’s desire was exactly the same. No surprise that there was such a happy ending.

Note Naomi’s instruction in verses 2-4. Read and explain the setting. Ruth’s preparation: wash thyself, anoint thyself, dress thyself.

Before we can have full fellowship with Christ, our heavenly Boaz, we must:

1. Wash ourselves—we must be clean, pure, holy.

2. Anoint ourselves—we must be anointed with the Holy Spirit.

3. Dress ourselves—this dressing is outward and inward.

Had Ruth not adhered to these standards, Boaz would not have accepted her. We also cannot expect to be accepted by the Lord if we do not adhere to these standards.

Notice where Ruth was to obtain the blessing.

v. 4—“Uncover his feet and lie down.” She surrendered herself implicitly and unreservedly to Boaz. She trusted her present and future to him. This is the only way to spiritual success.

v. 7—Ruth uncovers Boaz’ feet. This was perfectly in order.

v. 8—Boaz awoke at midnight and a woman lay at his feet.

v. 9—Who art thou? Ruth replied, “I am Ruth, thine handmaid.”

She is not now Ruth the Moabitess, nor Ruth the Gentile stranger, nor Ruth the weeping widow, but Ruth thine handmaid.

Spread therefore thy skirt over thine handmaid, for thou art a near kinsman. (This was a proposal.)

v. 10—Boaz recognized her love for him, inasmuch as she had not followed the young men whether poor or rich. The truth of separation from the world.

To gain the attention, favor and full blessing of our heavenly Boaz, we must sever our relationship with everything that would come between us and Christ.

v. 11—Notice the testimony Ruth had.

Ruth had not been in Bethlehem too long, but the inhabitants knew that she was a woman of pure character. This drew forth the love and commendation of Boaz.