Wordpoint --Part 2

Part 2

Edwin Raymond Anderson

“The Most Difficult Thing For Me To Grasp In The World Is The Actual Rapidity Of Change.”

If one were to select the one word most descriptive of the panorama of the recent decades tumbling into the end-times, there would be nigh settlement upon the six-letter word “change.” Today is most certainly not yesterday … in far more meanings than one. As for “changes” for tomorrow … who could dare speculate nor declare?

It was surely this thought which bore fruitage in the above quotation, coming from the facile pen of Dr. Isaac Asimov, the noted biochemist, more familiar as an accredited writer of science fiction. The expression was given birth at a recent gathering of a group of acknowledged “top thinkers” in their specialized fields, at the United States capital. The assembly formed the attempt to gather some assessment of changings for the moulding of the future days.

As for Dr. Asimov, his thought as to the “actual rapidity” of these end-time changings was located solely within the area of science and technology. In this region, all of us must stand back with amazement; the tools of the 60’s are overtaken by the triumphs of the 70’s, and who can tell what awaits for the technologies of the 80’s? Of interest to the believer is the fact that Dr. Asimov, who is an agnostic, is supported by the biblical prophet Daniel, who declared of this chronological time-slot that “many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” (Daniel 12:4). Of significance to note is that the Hebrew for “increased,” which is “rabah,” bears the thought of “multiplicity … abundance.” Hardly could there suit a better description for that which transpires upon the exterior scenes. Everyone of us bears witness to that fact driven deep into our physical situation.

Yet, modern man bears equal witness to other manner of changings. The exterior shining of science and glitter of technology are offset by the interior shadows of moral and spiritual difficulties. Heraclitus of the ancient days may have referred to the fact that, “there is nothing permanent except change,” yet our agnostic Asimov was concerned about, “things do change. The only question is that since things are deteriorating so quickly, will society and man’s habits change quickly enough?” Ah! “habits,” there we strike the deeper chord! Herein lies the proof that agnosticism travels no avenue toward answer and anchorage.

Scripture speaks definitively of the “actual rapidity” of change within this interior setting. The 70’s certainly were more violent and vicious than the 60’s. The doorway to the 80’s shall alas behold no lessening nor reversal. If one believes in the swift narrowing of days, one cannot neglect the emphasis of the Word which declares, “that in the last days perilous times shall come” (2 Timothy 3:1); “perilous” …chalepus… with the danger in the moral area being manifestly evident upon every layer of society. Alas! but there is moral increase in the interior regions of evil… “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse” (2 Timothy 3:13). Concerning his own nature, modern man bears cold testimony to the gnawing horror of “something within” which engenders the increase of frustration, disappointment, despair, and vacuum as to the rest and moorage.

No gathering of the learned-of-this-world can formulate assessment as to these vital basics; modern man must of necessity join this company. No answer availeth for the requirements of the interior, for these are elementals which must be transferred to the higher area of the spiritual. In the midst of flux there is a fixed point … “I am God and there is no one else: I am God and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done” (Isaiah 46:9, 10). This knowledge culminates in the reality of, “I am the Lord. I change not” (Malachi 3:6), and in the glory of the new revelation, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). The basic realities are timeless, for the heart-needs of modern man bear no relation to the decades. Identification with HIM in the personal bond of New Creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) locates the absolute answer.