Book Review

Book Review

Will There Be a Millennium? Dr. Fredk. A. Tatford; Prophetic Witness Publishing House, Parsonage Road, Eastbourne, Sussex, England.

While there are differences of opinion among students relative to the Millennium, the word of prophecy is a light shining in a dark place, and this cannot be ignored. When the lamp of prophecy is used with caution, discretion and divine guidance, God’s plan for humanity is made manifest. We believe that Dr. Tatford has done just this. He traces the development of the allegorical method of interpreting the Scriptures, and indicates the danger and the hindrance it places in the way of properly understanding the Word of God.

This little volume of 125 pages presents the “immutable things of God.” It deals with God’s covenants to both Abraham and David in their literal sense, and how these were confirmed to the patriarch and the king; and how, inasmuch as it is impossible for God to lie, they must be fulfilled, Israel’s land, people and monarchy are all involved in these covenants.

Other important correlated matters are concisely and lucidly considered; among these are Christ and the Kingdom, the Church and the Apocalyptic Revelation.

Dr. Tatford’s treatment of the new covenant in its application to the present as well as the future is both concise and very clear.

The twelve chapters in this work are instructive, corrective and confirmative.

We highly recommend this paper back.

May be obtained through Loizeaux Brothers Inc., Neptune, New Jersey 07753, U.S.A.