Book Review
God’s Ultimate. By W. Myrddin Lewis. Sussex, Eng.: Prophetic Witness Publishing House, 1969. 164 pp. Paper, 12s. 6d.
With a “Foreword” by Fredk. A. Tatford, the author begins with a chapter on “The Church of God.” He then treats such important prophetic subjects as “The Resurrection and the Translation,” “The Judgment Seat of Christ,” “The Great Tribulation,” “Armageddon,” and “The Millennium,” all leading to a chapter on what Dr. Lewis calls, “The Divine Ultimate.” The book then closes with a practical call for awareness and watchfulness on the part of all true believers in relation to present responsibilities, since there are many indications on the world scene that Christ’s return is very near.
On addition to being quite readable, the book is evangelistic, premillennial, and practical throughout. It is not simply a reviewer’s cliché to state that it is recommended reading for every serious student of prophecy. Furthermore, the author provides considerable food for thought regarding what follows the Judgment Seat of Christ, the trials and blessings of the Great Tribulation, the “Judgments” and “The Last Great Assize.”
However, not all will agree with some of Dr. Lewis’ statements, including this reviewer (e.g., that salvation in the tribulation period comes, and is retained, only by endurance; that the two witnesses of Rev. 11 are necessarily Elijah and Enoch — the latter identification in particular being open to question; and that the rapture is found in Matt. 24). Nevertheless, the book is thought provoking, perhaps to such an extent as to cause many to reevaluate their own prophetic understanding of many issues. Some will also be challenged by Dr. Lewis’ thoughts on the coming eternal state and other related subjects, making the book from this standpoint alone quite worthwhile.
The fact that it is published in a paperback edition places its price well within the reach of most.