Book Review

Book Review

The Theory of Evolution and the Facts of Science: Harry Rimmer; Wm. B. Erdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.

That the theory of evolution is beyond experimentation is obvious; by actual observation it cannot be proved. Why, then, is it accepted by so many? Why do certain professors and lecturers teach it as fact?

Dr. Rimmer has engaged in extensive research in this field; in this book he gives the results; he points out some of the illogical impossibilities which characterize this theory.

Learn the other side of the matter by reading this volume, and discover why honesty rejects the theory, and accepts the Word of God not only as a divine revelation but as a scientific reality.

Price: $2.50; Home Evangel Books Ltd., 25 Hobson Avenue, Toronto 16, Canada.