Editorial: The Cover

Editorial: The Cover

J. Boyd Nicholson

The front cover of this volume pictured a railroad track which split off into two different directions.

The trouble with being “switched”, is that you hardly notice it at first.

It happens so gradually. One minute you’re rolling grandly down the main line, really making progress, performing a timely service, carrying someone’s load with ease, lots of power — keeping on the straight and narrow … then it happens; so-o-o gently, so-o-o easily, with hardly a quiver — you’re switched!!

Oh, you still look the same, still lots of action and all that, but every moment takes you on a divergent course. Then you notice that things begin to look different. There’s a strangeness, and you wonder what’s wrong.

SWITCHED!! and by that wily enemy, the devil. His lever is the flesh and his well polished sidetrack leads into the world. Slowly and so subtly he works. The moment of departure from the track is hardly perceptible at first. Then, like the railway car in the cover picture, soon there is disuse, emptiness, rust and a sense of loneliness.

How many of us have this experience in our Christian lives. Somewhere back down the line we were “side-tracked.” Perhaps some of us have travelled a long way down the side-line. Perhaps you fell this way — at a dead end, confused and discouraged.

Well, what’s the matter? How to get back on the track? Well, most likely it means getting back to where we got off.

Perhaps at some sin, wilful or inadvertant.

Perhaps at some decision in life. Perhaps it is something brought into the life that does not assist you in your life of faith.

Whatever it is, we must meet God at that point. Have it out before Him in the light of our eternal destination and purpose.

Lay hold, by faith on His power to restore, the Blood to cleanse and His love to assure.

God alone knows what great things you may yet accomplish, by His Grace, what exploits you may yet do in His Name.

The hour may be late and the way may be dark, but all is not lost, even though the Enemy would tell you that you are of no further use to God.

Put God to the test. Get back on the track. Our God is a God of recovery and many a wandering saint has cause to thank Him for truth recorded by David — “He restoreth my soul.”

God longs to restore
And bless you the more,
And use you as never, as never before.
Oh rise, like the prodigal
Return to the God who will
Pour out upon you His bountiful store.