The Forum

The Forum

Dear Brother:

I have admired the helpful manner in which Mr. Price has written in regard to Sunday School work.

My class has adopted a number of the suggestions he has given in his many articles.

All in all his writings on work among children have been a help and blessing to me, and that is probably why his article in the January issue has so disturbed my thinking. It made me feel as if he had taken the feet from under me.

Have we no scriptural authority for work among children? Are Sunday School efforts all wrong?

Please give me some help with these questions.

Yours by grace,

Dear Sister M.:

We were encouraged to receive your recent letter and to learn that some of the articles on children’s work have been helpful. At the same time, we are sorry if your thinking has been unduly disturbed by our January article; it was not our intention to “take the feet from under you.”

The article was, of course, designed to provoke thinking about our children’s efforts. But it is hoped that the follow-up article in this issue will help to allay some of your fears about our authority for doing children’s work.

Sunday school efforts are certainly not “all wrong”. We have ample authority for such work in the words of our Lord Himself: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), and that includes children. “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). Perhaps it would also help if you were to re-read the article entitled “Why Sunday Schools?”, Food for the Flock, September 1959, page 173.

We wish you the Lord’s richest blessing in your endeavours to win young hearts and lives for the Master, and we would be delighted to be of assistance in any way possible, should you ever wish to call on us again.

Very sincerely,
W. P.