Book Review

Book Review

Unity, William Bunting — John Ritchie Ltd., Publishers, Kilmarnock, Scotland.

This booklet appears as the answer to many a heart-prayer. The dreadful spirit of disintegration, the fondling of carnality, which has blighted the testimony of the assemblies is causing much exercise on the part of many. How true are the words of R. C. Chapman as quoted by brother Bunting, “God holds in His own hand the golden bowl of the Church’s unity unbroken, but the earthly replica committed to us we have smashed to atoms.”

Shame upon us!

The writer of this booklet sanely and scripturally has considered this subject from many different angles, and while he modestly refuses any claim to an exhaustive study; nevertheless, he has examined both the scriptural teaching and the contempory practice among assemblies in a very thorough manner.

Here is a forceful appeal for unity and a more joyous and intimate fellowship among the assemblies of the saints. Notwithstanding, the writer does not fail to stress as equally important the pathway of loyalty and separation. He fearlessly states the dangers of compromise and co-existence.

There is a depth of spirituality in these pages; they breathe of deep concern for the people of God, and are characterized by the spirit of the Master Who prayed, “That they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me.”

These chapters previously received considerable acceptance through the magazine, Assembly Testimony. It is hoped that in their present form they may be given a very much wider distribution among the saints.

This Editor would suggest the purchasing of a number of copies, and the circulation of these among responsible brethren.

Price, 30c. Christian Book Room, 853 Bloor Street W., Toronto, Canada.