Book Review
The Son of His Love, W. J. Hocking.
A reprint of this splendid defence of the doctrine of Christ has recently been made. Originally published in 1946, this treatise contains, as the introduction states, a series of papers written to consider what Scripture teaches concerning the Eternal Sonship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The denial of this truth is such an affront to the glory of the essential being of our blessed Lord, it is gratifying to follow an exposition which not only exposes the error, but in a positive approach substantiates from the Word of God this vital truth.
There will be found in this small volume that which will satisfy both the heart and the intellect.
The premise of the author is clearly stated thus: first, that the Lord’s Eternal Sonship is involved in His own words, “I came forth from the Father”; second, that His revelation of the Father, and our association for blessing with the Son form the essence of Christianity; third, that the denial of the Eternal Sonship of Christ Jesus is anti-Christian in its effect, since it impairs the doctrines of the Father and the Son.
This is an excellent refutation of the errors of Unitarianism, Christadelphianism, Christian Science, and all modern cults that deny Christ was the Son of God from Eternity in virtue of His own essential being.
Price $1.30, Christian Book Room, 853 Bloor St. W. Toronto, Canada.