Book Review
The Sin Of Sectarianism —Andrew Stenhouse, Christian Book Room, Toronto, Canada.
This work might be called an examination of sectarianism in its numerous ramifications as these are detected among those who profess to repudiate its baneful influences.
One may not agree with each premise established by the author; nevertheless, the general foundation upon which his logic rests and the clarity of his arguments attest the correctness of his conclusions.
This Treatise evidences deep spiritual exercise as well as considerable research in both Biblical interpretation and Church history.
Mr. Stenhouse attempts to reach the conscience, touch the heart, and bring the will of the Lord as revealed for the New Testament Church.
It is the hope that the book will have a very extensive reading among the churches of the saints, and that through its ministry there may be a prompt return to simplicity toward Christ in ecclesiastical matters.
New! Just off the press!
Available this month at The Christian Book Room, 833 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Canada.