Thoughts on Prayer

"If ye ask anything in my name, I will do it. " John 14:14

    God answers prayer. He answers it exactly the
same way we would if we had infinite wisdom, love and power. Sometimes
He gives us what we want, sometimes He gives us something better, but
always what we need. Sometimes He answers our prayers quickly; at other
times He teaches us to wait patiently.

God answers prayer; sometimes when hearts are weak,
He gives the very gifts His children seek.
But often faith must learn a deeper rest,
And trust God's silence when He cannot speak;
For He whose name is love will send the best.
Stars may burn out, nor mountain walls endure,
But God is true, His promises are sure
To those who seek.

    There are conditions to prayer. Often what seems
like a blank check ("if ye ask anything") has conditions attached ("in
My Name"). Individual prayer promises must be considered in the light
of all other Scriptures on the subject.

    There are mysteries to prayer. It is easy to
think up all kinds of questions about the "whys" and "wherefores." But,
for the most part, they are not edifying. It is better to pray and to
see God work than to solve all the mysteries connected with prayer. I
like what Archbishop Temple said: "When I pray, coincidences happen.
When I do not, they don't."

    When we pray to God in the Name of the Lord
Jesus, it is just the same as if He were making those requests to the
Father. This is what gives such significance and power to our prayers.
And this is why we never come closer to omnipotence than when we pray.
Of course, we will never be omnipotent, even in eternity. But when we
pray in the Name of the Lord Jesus, we lay hold on infinite power.

    The best prayer comes from a strong, inward
necessity. This means that the more we are dependent on the Lord, the
more effective our prayer life will be.
 When we pray, we see things happen that would never happen
according to the laws of chance or probability. Our lives crackle with
the supernatural. They become radioactive with the Holy Spirit. And
when we touch other lives, something happens for God.

    We should be like the saint who said, "I measure
my influence by the number who need my prayers and the number who pray
for me."