Not in Temples Made with Hands

Not in Temples made with Hands

The first Tabernacle God’s Children made
was from all the spoils and gifts God gave
as former slaves by faith obeyed
they made a tent for He who saved.

With colored string, some brass, some gold
rods and curtains, and badger skin;
the Lord their Shepard, they His fold,
day and night they followed Him.

God no longer dwells in temples
As once in olden days,
which were shadows and examples;
now God inhabits Praise.

Set up in a moment
tents of gratitude and grace,
Joy is the environment 
of the Most High’s Secret place.

Thanksgiving is the sacrifice,
the altar, a grateful heart;
Tetelestai, Christ paid the price,
in Praise real worship starts. -id

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