Apostle Paul: Epistle to the Ephesians

In the Epistle to the Ephesians we see Paul revealing a mystery to both Jew and Gentile. In times past, Paul persecuted the saints even unto death, but the Lord chose Paul to reveal the mystery that had been previously hidden in God. Paul revealed God’s plan unto the Gentiles - they too would be accepted in the beloved. The walls had been broken down; no longer would there be a division amongst God’s people.

Through the redeeming power of our Lord’s shed blood, He once and forever paid the price for sin. Paul explains that by love and the grace of God we have been accepted through the shed blood. Paul tells the saints that we are no longer to be under the law. We are no longer outside the gate. We now have a mediator, a Great High Priest, who has interceded and still intercedes for us at the right hand of God.

Scripture tells us that we were once alienated from God through sin, but now we have been brought nigh through our Lord Jesus and his redeeming work on the cross. Can we ever fully understand the awesome power of our Lord’s sacrifice at Calvary? Scripture tells us that he who hangs on a tree is accursed. He became a curse for us. He loved us so much that He laid down His life for the sheep. The Lord willingly laid down His life that we may live forever. May we never neglect such a great salvation that has been wrought for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.