The Book Corner

The Book Corner

A Search for Charismatic Reality. By Neil Babcox. Portland, OR: Multnomah Press, 1985. 91 pp. Paper, N.p.

There is an explosion of interest in the charismatic movement worldwide. People are seeking “signs and wonders,” the gift of tongues,” and physical healing. Many are being swept into the movement by claims of the supernatural.

Neil Babcox was influenced by the Jesus movement of the 70s in southern Illinois. He received Christ during that period and was drawn into speaking in tongues. In time his leadership and gift became evident. He became the pastor of a group that started in a coffee house called “The Upper Room.”

The group grew and prospered, emphasizing charismatic gifts. But as time went on Babcox became uneasy about some of the phenomena. The claims of prophecy especially troubled him. The book details his struggle of soul and finally his rejection of prophecy and tongues.

The book chronicles one man’s desire to know truth and should help others who are confused by charismatic claims. It reads easily and is persuasive.

—Donald L. Norbie

Seventh Day Whiteism. By Kenneth Shaw. Columbus, GA: Brentwood Christian Press, 1987. 60 pp. Paper, N.p.

Mr. Kenneth Shaw has had a firsthand familiarity with Seventh-Day Adventists since the early 1950s. He has read their literature, listened to their broadcasts, engaged them in extended hours of conversation, and has adherents of the cult in his own family.

In his brief book the author provides background material on William Miller and Ellen White, the prime personalities around whom Seventh-Day Adventism began. He refers to the cult under the designation of “Seventh Day Whiteism,” quoting extensively from Ellen White’s visions and writings on various Bible subjects, and in doing so readily exposes the absurdities of this false prophetess and her teachings.

Some of the major false doctrines promulgated by Seventh-Day Adventists are as follows:

1. They teach that the Lord Jesus Christ is Michael the archangel.

2. They maintain that Ellen White was an inspired prophetess of God and that her writings, at least in part, are inspired and on a par with the Holy Scriptures.

3. In Leviticus 16 they believe that the “scapegoat” symbolizes Satan, thus making him our sin-bearer.

4. They believe that between physical death and resurrection the soul sleeps.

5. They maintain that after the resurrection the wicked will be annihilated.

6. They teach that keeping the Jewish Sabbath is an indispensable condition of salvation.

—The Editor

(Editor’s note: A copy, or copies, of Mr. Kenneth Shaw’s little book may be obtained by writing to him at 3418 Marshall Road, Drexel Hill, PA 19026.)

Scripture Twisting in the Seminaries. Part “Feminism.” By John W. Robbins. Jefferson, Maryland: The Trinity Foundation, 1985. 121 pp. Paper, $5.95.

Various denominations are struggling with the issue of feminism. Many are accommodating to current culture and are now ordaining women as ministers and church officers.

Dr. Robbins is a concerned Presbyterian and is very strong in his opposition to current trends. He reviews and attacks several books by Presbyterians who graduated from Westminster Seminary: George W. Knight III, Susan T. Foh, and James B. Hurley.

He laments the poor exegesis and the twisting of plain statements such as 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2 by these authors. The author shows that 1900 years of Biblical exegesis are being discarded by those who would change the women’s role in the churches. He deals with these passages in depth.

He rightly points out that a disregard for sound exegesis in these passages is really an attack on the inspiration and authority of Scripture. This is seen in some who frankly say that Paul was mistaken in his teaching.

“The ordination of women might disfigure the church, but the disease of which it is a symptom will kill her unless it is quickly diagnosed and treated. That disease, as we have seen in our study of these books, is the rejection of Biblical inerrancy” (p. 51).

One does not have to accept the author’s Presbyterian views on ordination to agree with his stand on the roles of men and women in the local church. It is not only some assemblies that have convictions on these matters.

—Donald L. Norbie

Special Note

Many of our readers are familiar with Mr. Alexander Strauch’s book, Biblical Eldership (a detailed review of this work was published in the July-August 1988 issue of “Food for the Flock” from the pen of Dr. S. Lewis Johnson, Jr.). A supplementary guidebook of 26 pages has been prepared by Mr. Strauch as a practical companion to his larger volume. It contains 12 lessons for elders as a group to work through. It is filled with practical suggestions, warnings, exhortations, and ideas. It is fundamentally important for an eldership to evaluate itself and improve its ministry.

Copies of this guidebook can be purchased through your local Bible bookstore or by ordering directly from Lewis & Roth Publishers, P.O. Box 569, Littleton, Colorado 80160. Phone: 303/794-3239.

—The Editor