The Book Corner

The Book Corner

That The World May Know. Vol. 5; The Mysterious Far East. By Fredk. A. Tatford. Bath, Avon: Echoes Publications, 1984. 419 pp. N.p.

This splendid account is the fifth in a series of ten volumes presenting the missionary outreach of assemblies since the latter part of the 19th century. Emphasis has been placed upon the establishment of indigenous local churches as the Lord’s servants have both worked with and trained national workers. At first the reader might be led by the title to think that China and Japan would be included in this book, but these nations and their adjacent area are covered in Volume 7 of the series, Asian Giants Awake. This particular work is limited to the countries of Southeast Asia, which are nevertheless part of the Far East to a Westerner. The specific lands covered are Burma, Thailand, Kampuchia, Malasia, Indonesia, and the area extending to and including the Solomon Islands.

Like the earlier volumes, this book is first class in every way, containing over a dozen helpful maps and lavishly illustrated with over 200 black and white and color photos. The photos themselves add greatly to the book’s value and attractiveness, as well as effectively assisting the reader to better under stand the people and the country. Like its predecessors, this volume is written in a readable, interesting style. Some of the intriguing chapter titles are:

The Land Below the Wind (Borneo)

Road to Mandalay (Burma) Cannibal Islands (Fiji)

Land of a Million Elephants (Laos)

Sailors’ Goddess (Macau)

Among the Head Hunters (Solomon Islands)

Dragons of the Eastern Sea (Vietnam)

Each volume contains an answer to, “Who Are the Brethren?” Mr. T. Carson has addressed this question in this particular work. There is also a “Record of Missionaries’ Service Since 1872,” and an extensive Index.

Having known him since I was a young man still pursuing my formal education, the first name I looked up in the Index was that of Dr. J. North-cote Deck and I was not disappointed. Page 312 is devoted to a photo and comments on the work of this outstanding man of God.

No price in either British pounds or U.S. dollars was printed on the flyleaf of any of the volumes received thus far, including this one. However the books and the price of each are available in the U.S. from Christian Missions in Many Lands, P.O. Box 13, Spring Lake, New Jersey 07719 or Missionary Service Committee, Inc., 156A Danforth, Toronto, Ontario M4J 1N4.

—The Editor

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Over the past several months three titles have been received from Everyday Publications Inc. of Scarborough, Ontario.

The first is The Birth of the Bible (1984, 192 pp., Paper, $7.25) by Dr. William J. McRae of Toronto, who is President of the Ontario Bible College and Ontario Theological Seminary. This volume is designed to show God has given us in Scripture the written revelation of Himself. It would serve as an effective tool for adults, young people — especially of college and seminary level — as well as for counselling, reference and research.

The second book is entitled, Proverbs: The King’s Wisdom (1984, 126 pp., Paper, $3.85) by Dr. R. E. Harlow. It lists over 500 proverbs, each one having been put together with others teaching the same subject. For example, there are five proverbs from different parts of the book about Flattery, Section A-14, page 47. Therefore, if the reader is trying to find out what Solomon taught on a certain topic, it can be readily found under one heading.

This book would be useful for personal Bible study, D.V.B.S., Sunday School teachers, Home Bible study, or a reference tool.

The third title is: Matthew, Presenting Jesus the King (1984, 175 pp., Paper, $5.50) by Mr. R. H. Sykes. In this book the author brings out many beautiful and instructive thoughts concerning our Lord from His birth to His resurrection. Also a number of points are illustrated with charts and exercises. More than any of the other three Gospel records, Matthew effectively shows the connection between the Old Testament and the New Testament. Like the Apostle Paul, he had a great desire that his own countrymen after the flesh — the Jews and thus the nation Israel — might be saved.

The author’s work would be useful in Home Bible study groups, D.V.B.S., Bible camp and youth ministry.

Mr. Sykes, who has authored several other titles and previously served the Lord as a missionary to Africa, lives with his wife in Montana.

All of these books are available from Everyday Publications Inc., 421 Nugget Avenue, Unit 2, Scarborough, Ontario, M1S 4L8

—The Editor

Turbulence Over the Middle East. By Louis Goldberg. Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux Brothers, 1982. 229 pp. Paper, $7.95.

A thorough understanding of any subject must be based on a broad foundation of information. Dr. Louis Goldberg introduces his book on this premise and treats the events in the Middle East from a broad Scriptural background. He reviews the Abrahamic, Davidic, and New Covenants, followed by an explanation of the historical events related to each.

The reader is richly rewarded for patiently following the detailed and in-depth explanation found in the introduction and beginning chapters of the book. The author states, “The study of Bible prophecy is a detailed and difficult study.” However, his knowledge and application of the Scriptures turns that detail and difficulty into an enjoyable and enlightening experience.

The introductory chapters are followed by a comprehensive view of the Arabs, United Nations, and the results of future world wars. He indicates that the buildup of the power blocs of nations are inevitable and predictable as we approach the end of this age. Ultimate roles and destinies of the nations are considered as they relate and are relevant to Israel. The promises that God made to Israel are always kept before the reader as a reminder that Israel is in the centre of both history and prophecy by God’s design.

The author discusses at length the plunder and frightful loss of life that will occur during the tribulation. The forces of Satan will all be in action to destroy Israel and make God’s covenants with them null and void. The severity and pressure of the times will cause Israel to turn to the Lord and usher in the Day of the Lord. Goldberg contends that the Day of the Lord begins midway through the tribulation. Many readers will disagree with this position.

The final chapter highlights the responsibility of Christians. The turbulent events which are to come, some already foreshadowed by current events, call for the greatest commitment from believers who await the rapture: “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

—Allan McDonald