The Book Corner

The Book Corner

The God of Glory. By Ronald F. Hogan. Neptune, N.J.: Loizeaux Brothers, 1984. 190 pp. Paper, $5.95.

It was Francis Bacon (1561-1626), the English philosopher, essayist and statesman, who said, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” Mr. Ronald F. Hogan’s book definitely belongs in Bacon’s last category.

In 1981 it was my pleasure to read a copy of the author’s manuscript and thence to heartily recommend it to Loizeaux Brothers for possible publication. Happily, and with several additional recommendations, Loizeaux Brothers elected to publish it, so it is with special joy that I commend this fine study to our reader family, and to all other thoughtful Christians who are searching for some rich and rewarding reading.

As stated in the Foreward, the threefold objective of this volume is:

“The revelation of the triune God (the God of glory);

“The equality of the Son of God (the Lord of glory) and of the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of glory) with God the Father (the Father of glory) in the sphere of essential deity; and

“The dispensational implications of the unquestioned grace of the Son’s stoop to take part in blood and flesh (see Hebrews 2:14 JND), and of the Spirit’s descent to seal believers for God and to dwell in their hearts as a pledge (see 2 Corinthians 1:22 NASB).

“Our immediate goal, therefore, is to trace the progressive self-revelation of God throughout the Bible.”

Besides the Foreward and Conclusion, the book contains ten chapters, plus a helpful Index of Scripture References. While each chapter is important to the author’s development of his glorious theme, chapters 5-7 represent (to me at least) the heart of this splendid study. These chapters are: Christological Controversy, Christological Panorama and Christological Antinomy.

When you make time to read this book, my suggestion is that you find a nice quiet spot as free of interruptions as possible. In other words, plunge into its contents after the kids or visiting grandchildren have gone to bed. Remember, as already indicated, this one is to be “chewed and digested.” And if you have any notion of speed-reading your way through, forget it.

Through many years of Bible study and meditation, the author has mined a lot of pure gold and in a readable (though not easy) style he has set forth his findings in such a way that the average reader can grasp them.

I know of nothing in print today quite like this volume. In a day of altogether too much shallow, frothy, experiential drivel, it is a delight to recommend this Christ-exalting, doctrinally instructive study which will lead each thoughtful reader to a deeper apprehension and appreciation of THE GOD OF GLORY.

—The Editor

Quality Friendship. By Gary Inrig. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press, 1981. 223 pp. Paper, N.p.

Addressed to Christians, this book draws extensively on Biblical examples to show the effects of Scriptural principles on true friendship in the life of the believer. The first seven chapters are a commentary on the lives of David and Jonathan. The author shows how their friendship was tested and survived in spite of many disturbing factors. There is a chapter on how friendships may be destroyed, with Biblical teaching for restoring ailing friendships.

With illustrations from the book of Proverbs, the writer shows that there are certain character traits in others that we should avoid in forming friendships. There are some kinds of friends we can well do without. The last six chapters are a detailed study of 1 Corinthians 13, explaining the Biblical use of the word love. The author shows how love protects, forgives, and endures, and its importance as to the basis for a lasting friendship.

In the concluding chapter Inrig says that “Quality friendship is born out of a fervent love for the Lord Jesus Christ that spills over into our relationship with people.” The Bible emphasizes that when we accept Christ as Lord we are joined together as brothers and sisters in Him with other believers as members of the family of God.

Christians who wonder why they have few really enduring friendships with other Christians will find this book helpful and well worthy of earnest study. The reasons are often within our own hearts and may be related to our relationship with Christ.

—Arthur F. Wilder