The Book Corner
Christ: The Fullness of the Godhead. By James Gunn. Neptune, N. J.: Loizeaux Brothers, Inc., 1982. 254 pages. Paper, $5.50.
A year has passed since our beloved brother and fellow servant, Mr. James Gunn, was promoted to glory. Just three months after his death, Loizeaux Brothers Publishers released the third of Mr. Gunn’s larger books: Christ: The Fullness of the Godhead, “A Study in New Testament Christology.” Thus, among other things, he not only left behind “a good name,” which is “rather to be chosen than great riches” (Prov. 22:1), but he left behind a rich legacy of written ministry as well. Over the past year I have several times reflected on the appropriateness of this beloved and faithful servant of the Lord climaxing his life’s work by writing a book on the Person of Christ, and then its being published shortly after his death as a sort of last will and testament to God’s people.
No doubt Mr. Gunn did not precisely plan things this way, but it was what the Lord saw fit to work out, and I can think of no grander way in which to make one’s exit from this world to the Father’s House—except via the Rapture.
Mr. Gunn opens his book with an affectionate dedicatory tribute to his daughter, Gene. Following his personal “Acknowledgments,” there is a brief “Foreword” by Dr. R. E. Harlow and then a twelve page “Introduction” by Dr. Fredk. A. Tatford. The body of the book contains thirteen chapters dealing with major aspects of Christ’s Person and work. They are:
· The Eternal Christ
· The Virgin Birth
· The God-Man
· The Fullness of the Godhead
· Christ the Eternal Son
· The Atonement
· Christ’s Triumphant Resurrection
· Master, Lord, and Head
· The Present Ministry of Christ
· The Morning Star
· The Supreme Sovereign
· The Theocratic Dominion
· God All in All
While all the chapters are of a quality we would expect from the pen of such a seasoned student and preacher of God’s Word, I particularly appreciated the author’s treatment of “The Virgin Birth,” “The God-Man,” “Christ the Eternal Son,” “The Atonement,” “Christ’s Triumphant Resurrection,” and “The Morning Star.”
Throughout the book Mr. Gunn quotes or refers to 934 Scriptures, while at the end of his work a valuable “Bibliography” and “Scripture Index” are included.
As for minutiae, it appears that the footnote on page 44 has not been pinpointed in the text, and on page 86 a definite article belongs before the noun “Son.”
I was a little surprised not to find some reference to or treatment of 1 Peter 3:18-22.
For budding or otherwise seasoned preachers, there is considerable material for the development of doctrinal studies and sermons. Today there is a dearth of this kind of preaching, both in and out of the assemblies of God’s people, so here is a helpful resource work for the careful student and speaker.
With the Christmas season upon us once again, why not consider purchasing a few copies of this excellent book as a gift for loved ones and friends? By today’s standards, it is reasonably priced and attractively “dressed” in a red cover with white printing. As a gift or an addition to your own personal library, it represents a work of lasting value which can be referred to again and again.
— The Editor.