Truly The Light Is Sweet

Truly The Light Is Sweet

John Phillips

Mr. John Phillips of Marietta, Ga., shares with us his fifth of a continuing series of brief, pithy studies in Ecclesiastes.

Scripture: Ecclesiastes 11:7

God’s first act in creation was to call light into being. “Light be!” He said, “and light was” and no man can tell us what light is. It is undefinable. We know what it does but not what it is. Its behavior is mysterious, too, for its speed is always constant. No matter in which direction a person travels relative to the source of light and no matter at what variable speeds, the speed of light coming to him is always the same. It reflects its Maker, God, Who is constant in all His ways and Who cannot be fully defined in human speech.

Then, light is undeviating. It travels in straight lines, ever pursuing an unchanging course. Thus too with God. He is undeviating in His attitude toward sin and salvation, man and the universe. He changes not, He pursues His purposes inflexible, ever moving toward His goals.

Light is also undefiled. Passing into a dingy attic, it lights up the cobwebs in the corners, the filth upon the floor. It passes through the unwashed pane and brings to light the dust that dances in the air. But its beams are undefiled; it is not in their nature to contract defilement. Thus, when the Light of the World entered the world of men, He revealed “the hidden works of darkness” but He Himself remained “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners.” He could touch a leper without defilement and befriend publicans and sinners without compromise or sin.

Light is indispensible. Life cannot exist without it. In ignorance the ancients worshiped the sun, but we can excuse their ignorance when we think how indispensible its light is. As no vegetable or animal life can exist without light, so spiritual life cannot exist without Jesus. He must also shine in our hearts.

Light is independent. No man commands the daysprings. The light bestows its blessings impartially on all. In the dark ages tyrants taxed light, but the light itself is free and independent — as free and independent as God.

Light is undefeated. Darkness cannot conquer it; rather, darkness flees from it. Men tried to extinguish the light at Calvary, but, praise God, He rose again and triumphs. “Truly,” said Solomon, “the light is good.” It is indeed.