The Fruit of Old Age

The Fruit of Old Age


There is another side to this rocking chair business. Many an aged saint has gone a long way in a rocking chair: to the Lord’s needy people, to workers at home, to distant mission fields, and then to the throne of grace. And from that throne such have brought back multiplied blessings for those and for that for which he or she has interceded.

Also, to those physically active, retirement at sixty-five, made feasible by various government and industrial old age plans, can launch a spiritual believer on the most productive phase of his life. He does not need secular employment to keep him busy. The experience gained in meeting the exigencies of life in the church, in business, and in the home, coupled with a working knowledge of the Word, should make him invaluable to the work of the Lord in his local church, or, if that is well cared for by other shepherds, to some other company or companies of believers.

Those with teaching and preaching gifts can help isolated small churches, some of which are rarely visited. Those with a pastoral ability will find a real blessing through those whose hearts were touched and encouraged in many of these gatherings. Some brethren on retirement have moved to cities where they could be used of the Lord in building up little churches. And in this work they may succeed where younger, inexperienced workers would fail. The internal problems which have retarded growth in some small churches need the remedies of the Word applied by hands made tender and skilled by years and experience.

“They shall bring forth fruit in old age” (Psalm 92:14). And in doing so they probably will prolong their days and with the Apostle Paul finish their course with joy.