Book Review

Book Review

Tortured For His Faith by Haralan Popov.

One cannot read a book like this and remain the same. Theory cannot reach the heart and emotions —experience can and does!

As we view brother Popov being made to stand motionless for fourteen days without food and water, staring into a glossy white wall eight inches from his eyes and living to tell the story, we are overwhelmed. As we descend with him fifty feet below the other prisons into a totally dark, dank dungeon, we share his dismay when he is told by a high-ranking officer that he will rot there. The beatings and torture are intensified as he learns of the sufferings of his family, whom he cannot help.

We rejoice as we read of brother Popov’s release from prison after thirteen years and his subsequent efforts on behalf of fellow Christians of the Underground Church in Communist lands today.

What does the reviewer and his readers know of suffering for Christ? Probably very little compared to that of brother Popov and many others who have and are languishing in communist prisons for their faith.

This book not only gives us an insight into the workings of international communism, but also acts as a mighty stimulus for prayer on behalf of our brethren and sisters in communist countries.

158 pages. About 250,000 copies in print. Published by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.

The Wineskins Are Bursting by Kevin G. Dyer.

Most of the ideas in the first two chapters of this interesting study are taken from Alvin Toffler’s book, FUTURE SHOCK. The author states that they are included to give us a perspective of the future so that we can consider our effectiveness as believers.

Against this background of tremendous change, brother Dyer sketches in an easy-to-read style something of the deteriorating condition in the church, the home and in society generally. While the book raises more questions than it answers, a real purpose is served in drawing attention to the acceleration of change all about us and in providing much food for thought and further discussion.

The reviewer cannot agree with the intimation that older Christians are necessarily pharisaical or out of touch with the Lord, because they are faithful in attending the assembly meetings. All that has been built up in the past is not necessarily wrong. Nor can the reviewer go along with the virtually unqualified commendation of the “Jesus” people. One gets the feeling that someone with extensive experience in pioneer work and planting of new assemblies could perhaps write more convincingly on many of the matters discussed.

Nevertheless, many burning questions are brought to the fore. These include — the future of our assemblies — the effectiveness and support of North American full-time workers and foreign missionaries —gospel meetings in our church buildings — rigidly programmed services — family breakdown and many others.

The book culminates with a call to personal repentance and confession of sin and victory in the triumphs of Christ. Recommended reading for assembly leaders and thoughtful Christians everywhere.

95 pages — 11 chapters. Published by Missionary Enterprises, Inc. Prospect Heights, Illinois, 60070, U.S.A.

—John Funk